This topic describes the changes in this minor release of Redis for VMware Tanzu Application Service.

For product versions and upgrade paths, see Upgrade Planner.


Release Date: June 8, 2023

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • This release is compatible with Tanzu Application Service for VMs v4.0.

  • Shared-VM smoke tests errand error: When running the Shared-VM smoke tests errand, the service access to the shared Redis plan no longer appears as limited when running the command cf service-access.

Known Issues

There are no known issues for this release.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.x
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 3.0, and 4.0
shared-redis-release 437.0.36
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.7
routing 0.265.0
service-metrics 2.0.28
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 7.2.1
bpm 1.2.2
Redis OSS 5.0.14


Release Date: May 24, 2023

Resolved Issue

This release has the following fix:

  • Ruby Buildpack in smoke tests errand: The smoke tests errand no longer fails with Ruby Buildpack v1.9.x and v1.10.x.

Known Issue

This release has the following known issue:

  • Shared-VM smoke tests errand error: When running the Shared-VM smoke tests errand, the service access to the shared Redis plan appears as limited in the command cf service-access. Do not run this errand unless it’s necessary, or wait until the errand is finished and then run:

    cf enable-service-access -p SERVICE-PLAN


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.x
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 and 3.0
shared-redis-release 437.0.35
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.7
routing 0.265.0
service-metrics 2.0.28
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 7.2.1
bpm 1.2.1
Redis OSS 5.0.14


Release Date: December 15, 2022

Security Fixes

This release includes the following security fix:

  • runc: Updated OpenSSL from v1.1.1l to v1.1.1s to address CVE-2022-1292.

Resolved Issues

This release is compatible with Tanzu Application Service for VMs v3.0 and Ops Manager v3.0.

Known Issues

There are no known issues for this release.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.x
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 and 3.0
shared-redis-release 437.0.29
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.6
routing 0.248.0
service-metrics 2.0.23
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 6.5.4
bpm 1.1.20
Redis OSS 5.0.14


Release Date: April 25, 2022

Security Fixes

This release includes the following security fix:

  • runc: Updated nginx from v1.16.x to v1.21.x to address CVE-2021-23017.

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fix:

  • The test app no longer fails to start: The timeout for smoke tests has been increased so that the test app can now start without an error.

Known Issues

There are no known issues for this release.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.90
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12
shared-redis-release 437.0.29
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.4
routing 0.231.0
service-metrics 2.0.15
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 6.3.11
bpm 1.1.15
Redis OSS 5.0.14


Release Date: March 2, 2022

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fix:

  • The Shared-VM Broker Registrar errand no longer fails with Ruby Buildpack v1.8.50: The errand now succeeds when pushing the test app with the Ruby Buildpack v1.8.50. This was resolved by deleting the .bundle directory and the BUNDLED_WITH version specification from the Gemfile.lock file on the test app.

Known Issues

This release has the following issue:

  • The test app fails to start: The timeout for smoke tests causes the test app to fail to start. The user receives a general error.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.90
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12
shared-redis-release 437.0.27
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.4
routing 0.229.0
service-metrics 2.0.15
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 6.3.8
bpm 1.1.15
Redis OSS 5.0.14


Release Date: October 8, 2021


New feature in this release:

Known Issues

This release has the following issues:

  • The Shared-VM Broker Registrar errand fails with Ruby Buildpack v1.8.50: The errand fails to push the test app with Ruby Buildpack v1.8.50. This issue is caused by the .bundle directory and the BUNDLED_WITH version specification in the Gemfile.lock file on the test app.

  • The test app fails to start: The timeout for smoke tests causes the test app to fail to start. The user receives a general error.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.90
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.9, 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12
shared-redis-release 437.0.19
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.1
routing 0.224.0
service-metrics 2.0.14
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 6.3.4
bpm 1.1.13
Redis OSS 5.0.13


Release Date: August 17, 2021

Security Fixes

This release includes the following security fix:

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • A log error related to an unused component no longer appears:
    This error sometimes appeared in logs as: {"error":"Get /v2/info: unsupported protocol scheme "\""}}.

  • Backups of shared-redis plans are working as intended: This issue did not affect on-demand plans. It only affected backups of shared-redis plans on newer deployments of the Redis for Tanzu Application Service tile.

    In the following Redis for Tanzu Application Service versions, backups were configured through a persistent statefile.json created by the Redis for Tanzu Application Service tile:

    • v2.2.2
    • v2.2.1
    • v2.2.0
    • v2.1.4
    • v2.0.6

    This is not true for later Redis for Tanzu Application Service versions. However, backups of shared-redis plans for these later versions still depended on the existence of that statefile.json file.
    This meant installations of Redis for Tanzu Application Service that had created this file, and later been upgraded, persisted the file and worked as expected. Meanwhile, newer installations of Redis for Tanzu Application Service failed to backup shared-redis instances.

    This error sometimes appeared in logs as: {"message": "ServiceBackup.WithIdentifier.Perform backup completed with error", "error": "exit Status 3"}

Known Issues

This release has the following issue:

  • The test app fails to start: The timeout for smoke tests causes the test app to fail to start. The user receives a general error.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.90
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11
shared-redis-release 437.0.19
on-demand-service-broker 0.42.1
routing 0.217.0
service-metrics 2.0.13
service-backup 18.4.0
loggregator-agent 6.3.3
bpm 1.1.12
Redis OSS 5.0.13


Release Date: May 10, 2021


New features and changes in this release:

  • Secure service bindings are configured from the UI: In earlier releases, secure service bindings for Redis were always stored in CredHub if secure instance credentials were enabled in VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs. Now, Redis for Tanzu Application Service operators can deactivate this functionality for Redis service instances.
    For information, see step 8 of Configure On-Demand Service Settings of Installing Redis for VMware Tanzu Application Service.

  • Redis OSS: Updated to v5.0.10

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fixes:

  • The upgrade-all-service-instances errand no longer fails when TLS is enforced: This issue was fixed by updating the on-demand-service-broker component to v0.41.0.

  • Healthwatch is no longer a required dependency for Redis for Tanzu Application Service: In v2.4.1, Healthwatch was a required dependency. Attempting to remove Healthwatch from the foundation resulted in an error message, “Product Redis depends on Pivotal Healthwatch”.

  • The test app fails to start: The timeout for smoke tests causes the test app to fail to start. The user receives a general error.

Known Issues

There are no known issues for this release.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.90
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11
shared-redis-release 437.0.18
on-demand-service-broker 0.41.0
routing 0.213.0
service-metrics 2.0.13
service-backup 18.3.5
loggregator-agent 6.2.0
bpm 1.1.9
Redis OSS 5.0.10


Release Date: August 20, 2020


New features and changes in this release:

  • Operators can specify which TLS versions to make Redis TLS connections when TLS is enabled: This feature allows control of the versions of TLS that Redis connections support. VMware discourages using TLS v1.0, but it is an option for apps that only support this protocol. For more information, see Configure On-Demand Service Settings.

  • Operators see an error when trying to install an incompatible Healthwatch version: Operators can only install Healthwatch v1.8 and later with the Redis for Tanzu Application Service tile. If the operator tries to install a previous Healthwatch version, the operator sees an error.

  • Operators can enable telemetry to help improve the product: The telemetry program enables VMware to collect data from customer installations to improve the enterprise experience. Collecting data at scale enables VMware to identify patterns and alert you to warning signals in your installation. For more information, see Pivotal Telemetry.

Resolved Issues

This release has the following fix:

  • Rotating the Services TLS CA certificate no longer causes app downtime: In Redis for PCF v2.2 and Redis for Pivotal Platform v2.3, following the Rotating CAs and leaf certificates using the Ops Manager API procedure can cause downtime for apps bound to the Redis service. This issue does not occur in Redis for Tanzu Application Service.

Known Issues

This release has the following issues:

  • Service creation can fail when using an external UAA: An issue with the Redis on-demand service broker and TLS verification means that service creation might fail on the TLS handshake. This has been observed as the upgrade-all-service-instances errand failing, particularly when a separate internal load balancer is present.

  • Healthwatch is a required dependency for Redis for VMware Tanzu Application Service: If you try to remove Healthwatch from Tanzu Operations Manager where Redis for VMware Tanzu Application Service is also installed, the error message, “Product Redis depends on Pivotal Healthwatch” appears. For more information about this issue, see the VMware Tanzu Support documentation in the Knowledge Base.

  • The test app fails to start: The timeout for smoke tests causes the test app to fail to start. The user receives a general error.


The following components are compatible with this release:

Component Version
Stemcell 621.76
VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs 2.9, 2.10, and 2.11
shared-redis-release 437.0.15
on-demand-service-broker 0.40.0
routing 0.203.0
service-metrics 2.0.13
service-backup 18.3.5
loggregator-agent 6.1.0
bpm 1.1.8
Redis OSS 5.0.7

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