To start using VMware Tanzu Scheduler, you need:

  • A Tanzu Application Service for VMs (TAS for VMs) deployment with Scheduler installed and listed in the Marketplace.
  • A Space Developer account.
  • (Optional) The cf CLI v6.23.0 or greater and the Scheduler CLI plugin installed on your local machine. The Scheduler CLI plugin is packaged with the Scheduler tile on VMware Tanzu Network.

You can interact with the service through the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI), Apps Manager, and the Scheduler HTTP API to configure jobs and outbound HTTP calls and to review history.

For general information, see Managing service instances with the cf CLI.

Create and bind a service instance using the cf CLI

Every app and service in TAS for VMs is scoped to a space. This means that an app can use a service only if an instance of the service exists in the same space.

The Scheduler service is a singleton service. Only one service instance can be created in a space.

Confirm service availability

For apps to use a service, the service must be available in the Marketplace. To confirm the availability of Scheduler, perform the following steps:

  1. Run cf marketplace from the command line.
  2. If the output lists scheduler-for-pcf in the service column, Scheduler is available. If the service is not available, install it. See Installing and Configuring Scheduler for more information.

     $ cf marketplace Getting services from marketplace in org my-org / space my-space as… OK service             plans      description […] scheduler-for-pcf   standard   Scheduler service […] 

Create a service instance

To create an instance of the Scheduler service, run cf create-service scheduler-for-pcf standard SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME, replacing SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME with a name of your choice. After you create the service instance, this instance name appears under name in the output of the cf services command.

See the following example:

 $ cf create-service scheduler-for-pcf standard my-instance
Creating service my-instance in org my-org / space my-space as… OK
$ cf services
Getting services in org my-org / space my-space as… OK name service plan bound apps last operation my-instance scheduler-for-pcf standard create succeeded

You can create only one instance in a space. If you attempt to create more than one instance in a space, you receive an error response.

Bind a service instance to your app

For an app to use a service, you must bind it to a service instance. Do this after you push or re-push the app using cf push.

To bind an app to a Scheduler instance, run cf bind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME, replacing APP-NAME with the name of the app you want to use the Scheduler service for and SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME with the name you provided when you ran cf create-service.

 $ cf bind-service my-app my-instance
Binding service my-instance to my-app in org my-org / space my-space as… OK TIP: Use ‘cf push’ to ensure your env variable changes take effect

Manage jobs and calls

For information about the CLI operations that you can perform to manage jobs and calls in Scheduler, see Using Jobs and Using Calls.

If you want to manage jobs and calls through the Scheduler HTTP API, see the Scheduler API Documentation.

Using scheduler in Apps Manager

For information about binding Scheduler to your app and scheduling tasks through Apps Manager, see Managing your orgs and spaces using Apps Manager.

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