Support for deploying the following extensions:
Tarballs containing all the dependencies are made available to enable users to easily transfer all the required binaries to airgap environment
- Tarball containing all the automation scripts and deployment dependencies for non-airgap compliant and non-compliant deployments.service-installer-for-AWS-Tanzu-with-Dependency-1.3.tar.gz
- Tarball containing all the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid / Tanzu Kubernetes releases (TKR) FIPS binaries, Harbor, deployment dependencies, and automation scripts, to address the following use cases for air-gapped deployment:
Support for customisation of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Service configuration
commands featurekubectl
In case you are using proxy with self-signed or custom CA certificate, SIVT fails to pull the kind image while deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster in a vSphere VDS environment.
Resolution: Before initiating the deployment with SIVT, perform the following steps:
cat proxy-cert.pem >> /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
systemctl restart docker