
New Features

  • The ability for metrics adapters to indicate that the service is not yet ready to return metrics, but to try again on the schedule.
    • Implement this feature by returning a 10 exit code from your metrics adapter.
  • The service metrics adapter metrics_command is automatically detected if placed in a default location.
    • /var/vcap/jobs/service-metrics-adapter/bin/collect-service-metrics is the default.
    • Best practice is to template any command arguments into a script that is placed at the default location.
    • Script should be executable by vcap.
  • metrics_command_args is now optional, best practice is to use the default command location and template arguments into a script, as described above.
  • Info logging to indicate the metrics collection has started and finished.
  • Verified BOSH release against a TLS enabled Metron environment
  • Use Golang 1.8.3 [1.5.7]
  • Release distributed with SHA2 checksums only [1.5.9]
  • Use Golang 1.8.4 [1.5.10]
  • Use Golang 1.10 [1.5.13]

Breaking Changes

  • None

Bug fixes

  • Remove unrequired NATS / ectd job properties from BOSH release
  • BOSH package names are now namespaced to avoid conflicts with other BOSH releases [1.5.2]
  • Assign least required file permissions to jobs and packages [1.5.3]
  • Bump Golang version to 1.7.4 [1.5.4]
  • Fix an issue which could cause collocated jobs to be unable to start [1.5.5]
  • Resolves issue with duplicate syslog entries when co-locating syslog-release or syslog-migration-release. [1.5.7]
  • Log files in /var/vcap/sys/log/service-metrics/* are no longer truncated when the service-metrics process restarts via Monit. We reccomend using syslog-migration-release to ensure logs are not lost. [1.5.8]
  • Log errors when there is a connection issue with metron [1.5.9]
  • Service metrics now uses a drain script to prevent monit timeout issues [1.5.11]
  • Resolve templating issue when using special characters in job properties [1.5.12]
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