Inventory mappings provide default objects in the inventory on the recovery site for the recovered virtual machines to use when you run recovery.

For array-based protection and vSphere Replication protection, if you configure site-wide inventory mappings before you create protection groups, you do not have to configure protection individually on each virtual machine when you create a protection group. Site Recovery Manager applies the site-wide mappings to all virtual machines in an array-based replication protection group or a vSphere Replication protection group at the moment that you create the protection group.

When you use storage policy protection, Site Recovery Manager applies inventory mappings at the moment that a recovery plan runs. You cannot configure protection individually on the virtual machines in a storage policy protection group. As a consequence, you must configure site-wide inventory mappings if you use storage policy protection.


  1. In the vSphere Client or the vSphere Web Client, click Site Recovery > Open Site Recovery.
  2. On the Site Recovery home tab, select a site pair, and click View Details.
  3. On the Site Pair tab expand Configure, and select the type of resource to configure.
    Option Action
    Network Mappings Map networks on the protected site to networks on the recovery site.
    Folder Mappings Map data centers or virtual machine folders on the protected site to data centers or virtual machine folders on the recovery site.
    Resource Mappings Map resource pools, standalone hosts, vApps, or clusters on the protected site to resource pools, standalone hosts, vApps, or clusters on the recovery site. You can map any type of resource on one site to any type of resource on the other site.
    Note: You cannot map individual hosts that are part of clusters to other resource objects.
  4. Click New to create a new mapping.
  5. Select whether to create the mapping automatically or manually and click Next.
    This step only applies to network mappings and folder mappings. Automatic mapping is only available for network and folder mappings. You must configure resource mappings manually.
    Option Description
    Automatically Site Recovery Manager automatically maps networks and folders on the protected site to networks and folders on the recovery site that have the same name.
    Manually To map specific networks and folders on the protected site to specific networks, folders, and resources on the recovery site.
  6. Select the items on the protected site to map to items on the recovery site.
    • If you selected automatic mapping, expand the inventory items on the left to select a parent node on the local site, for example a data center or a folder, then expand the inventory items on the right to select a parent node on the remote site.
    • If you selected manual mapping, expand the inventory items on the left to select a specific object on the local site, then expand the inventory items on the right to select the object on the remote site to which to map this object.
    If you select manual mapping, you can map multiple items on the local site to a single item on the remote site. You can select only one item at a time on the remote site.
    Note: Auto-mapping for NSX universal wires is only supported with storage policy protection groups. If you are using virtual machine protection groups, you must explicitly configure network mapping between the two ends of the universal wire to ensure that the virtual machines recover on the same universal wire. See Using Site Recovery Manager with NSX Data Center for vSphere.
  7. Click Add mappings.
    The mappings appear at the bottom of the page. If you selected automatic mapping, Site Recovery Manager automatically maps all of the items under the node that you selected on the protected site to items that have the same name under the node that you selected on the recovery site.
  8. Click Next.
  9. (Optional) On the Prepare reverse mappings page, select the check box for a mapping.
    Selecting this option creates corresponding mappings from the item on the remote site to the item on the local site. You require reverse mappings to establish bidirectional protection and to run reprotect operations. You cannot select this option if two or more mappings have the same target on the remote site.
  10. (Optional) If you are configuring network mappings, in the Test networks page, click Change and in the Edit Test Network page select the network to use when you test recovery plans.
    You can configure Site Recovery Manager to create an isolated network on the recovery site for when you test a recovery plan. Creating an isolated test network allows the test to proceed without adding extra traffic on the production network on the recovery site.
    • Select Isolated network (auto created) to automatically create an isolated network on the recovery site to use for tests. This is the default option.
    • Select as specific network on the recovery site to use for tests.
  11. Click Finish to create the mappings.
  12. Repeat Step 3 through Step 11 to establish mappings for the remaining resource types.