You can use the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management Interface to change the appliance certificate for security reasons or if your certificate is expiring.
The certificate must be in a .pem format.
- Log in to the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management Interface as admin.
- Click Certificates and then click Change.
- Select a certificate type.
Menu item Description Generate a self-signed certificate Use an automatically generated certificate. - Enter text values for your organization and organization unit, typically your company name, and the name of your group in the company.
- Accept the default FQDN and IP values.
Note: Using a self-signed certificate is only recommended for non-production environments.Use a PKCS #12 certificate file Use a custom certificate. - Click Browse, navigate to the certificate file, and click Open. The certificate file must contain exactly one certificate with exactly one private key matching the certificate.
- (Optional) Enter the optional private key encryption password.
Use a CA-signed certificate generated from CSR Use a CA-signed certificate generated from a CSR. - In the Certificate file row, click Browse, navigate to the certificate file, and click Open.
- (Optional) In the CA chain row, click Browse, navigate to the CA chain, and click Open.
- Click Change.