You can use Site Recovery Manager protection and VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery high-frequency snapshots on the same virtual machine, with certain limitations.

Interoperability of the same VM is enabled in VMware Live Recovery. For more information, see Protect the Same VM with Both VMware Live Site Recovery and VMware Live Cyber Recovery and VMware Live Site Recovery and VMware Live Cyber Recovery.

You can replicate a VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery high-frequency snapshot protected virtual machine with vSphere Replication and include the virtual machine in a vSphere Replication protection group in Site Recovery Manager. For example, if you want to migrate a VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery protected virtual machine to a new vCenter Server by using vSphere Replication.

If you have a virtual machine that is already replicated by vSphere Replication and added in a Site Recovery Manager protection group, you cannot protect this VM with VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery. The VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery protection fails with the following error: "Another vendor has already initiated an operation on the protected entity."

You cannot perform a parallel failover of the same VM with VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery and Site Recovery Manager.

You cannot include a VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery high-frequency snapshot protected virtual machine in an array-based replication protection group.

Site Recovery Manager automatic protection does not protect virtual machines that are protected using VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery high-frequency snapshots. You must manually protect the virtual machine when you no longer use VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery high-frequency snapshots.