You use the Storage Policy Protection Group (SPPG) migration tool to migrate storage policy protection groups to regular array-based replication protection groups.

The Storage Policy Protection Group migration tool preserves the information for the current migration tasks and if there is an unexpected failure, you can rerun the migrate command and resume the failed task. An example of an unexpected error might include network or electricity glitches.
Note: If there is an SPPG with errors and there are other SPPGs with no errors, the tool attempts to migrate the groups and recovery plans that have no errors.
Attention: Do not delete the migrated SPPGs before the migration process is complete. Deleting the SPPGs before completing the migration might prevent the migration of the recovery plan.


Verify that you have checked your storage policy protection groups for errors. You must fix all errors for the migration of an SPPG to complete successfully.


  1. Log in to the Site Recovery Manager appliance host virtual machine as root.
  2. Navigate to /opt/vmware/srm/bin, and run the following command.
    1. (Optional) For a vCenter Server instance with an internal Platform Services Controller, run the following command ./migrate-sppg -cmd migrate -vc FQDN_of_the_vCenter_Server -srm FQDN_of_Site_Recovery_Manager.
    2. (Optional) For a vCenter Server instance with an internal Platform Services Controller and a specified user, run the following command ./migrate-sppg -cmd migrate -vc FQDN_of_the_vCenter_Server -srm FQDN_of_Site_Recovery_Manager -u [email protected].
    3. (Optional) For a vCenter Server instance with an external Platform Services Controller, run the following command ./migrate-sppg -cmd migrate -vc FQDN_of_the_vCenter_Server -psc FQDN_of_Platform_Services_Controller -srm FQDN_of_Site_Recovery_Manager.
  3. Accept the SHA2 thumbprints of the certificates and provide the required credentials.
  4. Confirm that you want to proceed with the migration of protection groups without errors.
  5. Confirm that you want to reconfigure the related recovery plans.
    Note: The tool migrates a recovery plan only if all of its SPPGs are successfully migrated.


The SPPGs are migrated to regular array-based replication protection groups.
Note: When you try to migrate a storage policy protection group which has a non-protected replica virtual machine, the SPPG is successfully migrated to a regular array-based replication protection group and the non-protected replica VM is migrated to a non-protected VM. You must either manually protect the VM or remove it from the protection group.