Site Recovery Manager records operational information into the log files. The logs files do not contain sensitive information such as private keys and passwords.

Site Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance Server Logs

The Site Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance stores the system log files in the /var/log/vmware/srm/ directory. The latest messages from Site Recovery Manager Server are placed in the vmware-dr-number.log file.

The support bundle is located in the /var/log/vmware/Support/ folder.

Log Levels for Server Logs

Level Description
error Displays only error log entries.
info Displays information, error, and warning log entries.
trivia Displays information, error, warning, verbose, and trivia log entries.
verbose Displays information, error, warning, and verbose log entries.
warning Displays warning and error log entries.

Site Recovery Manager supports components such as:

  • Default
  • Replication
  • Recovery
  • Storage
  • StorageProvider
  • Vdb
  • Persistence

The vmware-dr-number.log file does not contain security messages concerning the authentication process and connections with the remote side.

Site Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance User Interface Logs

The Site Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance stores the Site Recovery user interface log files in the /var/log/vmware/dr-client/ folder. The latest messages are placed in the dr.log file.

You can modify the log level of each component by updating the level value element in the log4j2.xml file in the /opt/vmware/dr-client/webapps/dr/WEB-INF/classes/ directory. The default level of all components is info.

The Site Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance Management Interface logs are located in the /var/log/vmware/drconfigui/ folder. The latest messages are placed in the drconfigui.log file.

You can modify the log level of each component by updating the level value element in the log4j2.xml file in the /opt/vmware/drconfigui/webapps/configure/WEB-INF/classes/ folder. The default level of all components is info.

Log Levels for User Interface Logs

Level Description
error Displays only error log entries.
warn Displays warning and error log entries.
info Displays information, error, and warning log entries.
debug Displays debug, information, error, and warning log entries.
trace Displays the most detailed information.
The tomcat server used by the Site Recovery user interface supports components such as:
  • Http Async I/O
  • Per handler call time
  • VC L10N catalogs
  • SRM
  • VR
  • Common