You can use the VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.7 Configuration Import/Export Tool properties file to automate the export and import of configuration data.

The use of file with the standalone VMware Site Recovery Manager 8.7 Configuration Import/Export Tool is optional.
Note: You can use Service Account authentication to import or export data from Site Recovery Manager 8.7. You cannot use solution user authentication or keystore authentication to import or export configuration data from Site Recovery Manager 8.7. Solution user authentication and keystore authentication are supported for Site Recovery Manager 8.6.x and earlier.
Table 1. Required Parameters for the Properties File
Parameter Description
lookup.service.address The vCenter Server address. Can be an IP address or FQDN. The name of the local Site Recovery Manager Server.
local.srm.guid The GUID of the local Site Recovery Manager Server. Required when two or more local sites share the same name.
local.auth.use.keystore Set this parameter to true to use Java Keystore to log in to the local site. The default value is false.
local.auth.use.service.account Set this parameter to true to use service account to log in to the local site. The default value is false. The user name for the local vCenter Server. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to false. The password for the local vCenter Server. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to false.
local.auth.keystore.type The type of Java Keystore. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to true. The default type is JCEKS.
local.auth.keystore.path Path to the Java Keystore. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
local.auth.keystore.pass Password for the Java Keystore. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
local.auth.keystore.certAlias Certificate alias for the local solution user in the Java Keystore. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
local.auth.keystore.keyAlias Key alias for the local solution user in the Java Keystore. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
local.auth.keystore.keyPass The key password for the local solution user in the Java Keystore. Required when local.auth.use.keystore is set to true. Path to the service account. Required when local.auth.use.service.account is set to true.
remote.auth.use.keystore Set this parameter to true to use Java Keystore to log in to the remote site. The default value is false.
remote.auth.use.service.account Set this parameter to true to use service account to log in to the remote site. The default value is false. The user name for the remote vCenter Server. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to false. Required if your environment is not federated. The password of the user for the remote vCenter Server. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to false. Required if your environment is not federated.
remote.auth.keystore.type The type of Java Keystore. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to true. The default type is JCEKS.
remote.auth.keystore.path Path to the Java Keystore. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
remote.auth.keystore.pass Password for the Java Keystore. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
remote.auth.keystore.certAlias Certificate alias for the remote solution user in the Java Keystore. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
remote.auth.keystore.keyAlias Key alias for the remote solution user in the Java Keystore. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to true.
remote.auth.keystore.keyPass The key password for the remote solution user in the Java Keystore. Required when remote.auth.use.keystore is set to true. Path to the service account. Required when remote.auth.use.service.account is set to true. The name of the array manager, where n is a number. All array managers must be defined at least by a name and a skip flag. Required field for import, if your environment contains any array managers.
array.manager.n.skip Sets whether the array manager must be imported or skipped. The default value is false. Required if is present.
array.manager.n.username The user name for the array manager. Required if is present and array.manager.n.skip value is set to false.
array.manager.n.password The password for the array manager. Required if is present and array.manager.n.skip value is set to false.
Table 2. Optional Parameters for the Properties File
Parameter Description
port The port number for the Lookup Service. The default value is 443.
continue.after.array.manager.errors If you set the value to true, the tool does not fail when an array manager is missing or there is an array-based error. The default value is false.

Sample Properties File
port=443 local SRM