You can use the Site Recovery Manager plug-in after you install it on an VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator instance. The version of the Site Recovery Manager plug-in must be compatible with your Site Recovery Manager and VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator.

Installing the Site Recovery Manager Plug-In

You can install the Site Recovery Manager plug-in if your Site Recovery Manager sites are paired and your VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator instance is configured to work with your vSphere environment.

You must configure VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator to use the vSphere environment. For information about how to configure your VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator to work with a vSphere environment, see the Configuring VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator section in the Installing and Configuring VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator documentation.

You can download the Site Recovery Manager plug-in installation .vmoapp file from the download page of Site Recovery Manager.

You can install the Site Recovery Manager plug-in by using the http://your_orchestrator_host/vco-controlcenter/config/#/ configuration interface. For information about how to install the .vmoapp file on your VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator instance, see the Manage the Orchestrator Plug-Ins topic in the Installing and Configuring VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator documentation.

Upgrading and Uninstalling the Site Recovery Manager Plug-In

You can upgrade your Site Recovery Manager plug-in by uninstalling your plug-in and installing the new version.

You can uninstall your Site Recovery Manager plug-in by using the http://your_orchestrator_host/vco-controlcenter/config/#/ configuration interface. For more information about how to uninstall your Site Recovery Manager plug-in, see the Uninstall a Plug-in topic in the Installing and Configuring VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator documentation.