The Configure Remote Site workflow registers the paired remote Site Recovery Manager site with the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator instance.

If you have registered both the protected and the recovery sites as local sites, you must run the workflow for both sites to run workflows in both directions.

The workflow imports certificates of the remote vCenter Server or Platform Services Controller so that you can log in to the remote site.


Verify that the local and remote Site Recovery Manager sites are paired before running this workflow.


  1. Log in to the VMware Aria Automation Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Library > Workflows.
  3. In the Filter box, enter Configure Remote Site and click Enter.
  4. Click the workflow and click Run.
  5. Enter the input parameters that the workflow requires, and click Run.
    Table 1. Configure Remote Site Workflow Input
    Input Description
    Local Site Local Site Recovery Manager site.
    Ignore certificate warnings When you select it, the certificate is accepted silently and added to the trusted store.