This method establishes the persistent network connection with a remote SRM server. Remote SRM server must have the same VC extension key.


@task RemoteSite pairSrm(ConnectionSpec spec);

This method returns the drextapi.Task that contains the paired drextapi.RemoteSite. For more information, see GetPairedSite.

ConnectionSpec contains the connection information used to connect to PSC node and locate peer services. It has the following fields:
Field Description
host Host name or IP address of the PSC node.
port Port of the PSC node. When not provided the default value of 443 is used.
vcHost Host where the VC is running. In case of embedded environment this field should not be specified. In this case the host on which the VC is running is the PSC host.
HostThumbprintInfo[] thumbprints Thumbprints for PSC/MGMT/DR hosts to which SRM should connect when certificate validation fails. For more information, see ProbeSsl.
creds Credentials to be used to authenticate to the remote PSC node. Credentials has the following fields:
  • String user - The name of a user with sufficient privileges to perform configuration tasks on the infrastructure and management nodes as well as SSO service configuration tasks on the infrastructure node.
  • @secret String - Password for the user.
If the returned task fails, its error field may contain one of the following:
  • - If this SRM is already registered with the specified PSC/MGMT node.
  • - Contains the original error when a network connection cannot be established, there are invalid arguments, local site name is the same as remote SRM's name, another pair operation is in progress or there was other error while pairing sites.
  • - If any of the SRM servers involved with the pairing is already paired.
  • drextapi.fault.RemoteSiteNotInitialized - If the remote site is not correctly initialized.


  • RuntimeFault

See Faults in Site Recovery Manager API for more details.