You can build the sample program that uses Axis Web services for the Site Recovery Manager API. Axis can be downloaded from the Apache Web site, or as the libaxis-java package in some Linux distributions. Axis works with JDK 1.6 and later. Source code build files are located in the samples/Axis/java directory, as extracted from the ZIP archive.


  1. Make sure the Java development kit and Apache Axis are installed and functioning.
  2. Start the Linux terminal (shell) or Windows command prompt.
  3. Set the environment variables as shown in the Java and Axis environment variables table.
    Table 1. Java and Axis environment variables
    Environment Variable Description and Usage Notes Example Setting
    AXISHOME Complete path to the top‐level Axis installation directory. Must be set before using the build scripts. C:\Apache\axis1.4 /usr/share/java
    JAVAHOME Path to the binary directory for the Java JDK. C:\Java\jdk1.7.0_65 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386
  4. Change directory to sdk/samples/Axis/java and run the script (or on Windows, the build.bat file) to compile the sample Java code into a class file.
  5. If the build script produces error messages about missing classes (could not find or load a class), edit the script and change the LOCALCLASSPATH line so path names refer to the proper jar file versions. Some Java archives contain symbolic links where a generic file points to a specific version of the jar file.

    The script takes time to build the RecoveryPlanList sample program, which lists all recovery plans, or optionally gets state for a specified recovery plan.

    Note: The sample program was written for Axis version 1. It may require modifications for version 2.