Returns the child Recovery Plan Folders located in this folder.


RecoveryPlanFolder[] listChildRecoveryPlanFolders( )

RecoveryPlanFolder[] is the array of sub‐folders within this folder. If the current session does not have the System.View privilege for a RecoveryPlanFolder, it is removed from the result set.


  • RuntimeFault

For information about the faults that Site Recovery Manager throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.

Example for ListChildRecoveryPlanFolders

List < ManagedObjectReference > childFolders = srmPortType.listChildRecoveryPlanFolders(ManagedObjectReference _this);

Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _recoveryPlanRootFolderRef;
where _recoveryPlanRootFolderRef can be taken from:
  SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef);
ManagedObjectReference _recoveryRef = content.getRecovery();
ManagedObjectReference _recoveryPlanRootFolderRef = srmPortType.getRecoveryPlanRootFolder(_recoveryRef);