For Java development in a Windows environment, you must export the certificate to a local directory.


  1. Create a directory for the certificate, using the name set in the various batch files for the vSphere Web Services SDK: C:\VMware-Certs.
  2. From the IE Tools menu, select Internet Options to open the Internet Options properties page.
  3. Click the Content tab to activate the content advisor.
  4. Click Certificates to open the Certificate manager.
  5. Click the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities tab to display the list of trusted certificates.
  6. Scroll through the list of certificates to find the certificate. For the vCenter Server, the certificate name is VMware.
  7. Click the certificate to select it.
  8. Click Export... to launch the Certificate Export Wizard.
  9. Click Next to continue. The Export File Format dialog displays.
  10. Keep the defaults (“DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER)”) and click Next to continue.
    The File To Export dialog displays, enabling you to enter a unique name for the certificate.
  11. Choose a filename and enter it, along with the complete path to the directory: C:\VMware‐Certs\<servername>.cer
    If you do not enter the complete path, the certificate is stored in your Documents and Settings folder.
  12. Click Next to continue with the export.
    A Completing the Certificate Export Wizard page displays, summarizing the information about the certificate.
  13. Click Finish to complete the export.
    A Certificate Export Wizard “success” message displays.
  14. Click OK to dismiss the success message.
  15. Click Close.
  16. Click Cancel to close the Internet Options properties page.

What to do next

For more information about setting up your Java development environment, see “Setting Up for Java Development” in the Developer’s Setup Guide located at the VMware Web site developer support page under the vSphere Web Services SDK.