The following tables provide a list of Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API methods arranged in alphabetical order:

Table 1. Appliance Manager
Method Description of Operation
GetAllTimeZones Gets all available time zones. It returns list representing all available time zones.
GetCurrentDateTime Gets current date and time of the appliance. It returns a vmodl.DateTime object with the appliance date and time.
GetCurrentTimeZone Gets current time zone of the appliance. It returns a string representing the current time zone.
GetDiskInfo Retrieves appliance disks information. It returns an array of DiskInfo objects, which contain disk information about the appliance.
GetInfo Retrieves appliance information. It returns an ApplianceInfo object which contains information about the appliance.
GetNetworkInfo Retrieves appliance network information. It returns a NetworkInfo object which contains network information about the appliance.
GetTimeSyncConfig Gets appliance time sync mode. It returns a TimeSyncInfo object representing the timeSyncMode.
Restart Restarts the appliance.
SetCurrentTimeZone Sets appliance time zone.
SetNetworkInfo Sets appliance network information.
SetTimeSync Sets appliance time sync information.
Stop Stops the appliance.
Table 2. Configuration Manager
Method Description of Operation
CheckRegistration Checks whether the given extension key is already registered in SSO, lookup service, and as vCenter extension. Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
ClearSrmConfiguration Clears the SRM server configuration with the vSphere infrastructure. Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
ConfigureSrm Configures the SRM server and connects it to the vSphere infrastructure. Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
ConfigureSyslogForwarding Sets syslog log forwarding. Applicable to SRM, VRMS, and VRS.
ConfigureSyslogServers Sets the syslog log forwarding. Applicable to SRM, VRMS, and VRS.
EnableSyslogLogging Enables or disables logging to syslog. Applicable to SRM.
GetHbrSrvNic Gets the HBR filter and management IP addresses. Applicable to VRMS, and VRS.
GetRunningTask Gets the currently active configuration task or null. Applicable to SRM, VRMS, and VRS.
GetServicesSyslogLogLevel Gets syslog log level information of the services. Applicable to SRM, VRMS, and VRS.
GetSyslogServers Gets the syslog log forwarding information. Applicable to SRM, VRMS, and VRS.
IsReconfigureRequired Checks if the reconfigure operation is required after an upgrade. Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
ListVcServices Lists all the vCenters in the Platform Service Controller (PSC). Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
ReadCurrentConfig Reads the specification for the currently configured SRM server. Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
SendSyslogTestMessage Sends test message to all configured syslog servers. Applicable to SRM, VRMS, and VRS.
SetHbrSrvNic Sets the HBR filter and management addresses. Applicable to VRMS and VRS.
ValidateConnection Validates connections to the vSphere infrastructure. Applicable to SRM and VRMS.
Table 3. Configuration Task
Method Description of Operation
CancelSrmConfiguration Cancels a running configuration task. Multiple cancel requests are treated as a single cancelation request.
GetTaskInfo Gets the current configuration task status.
Table 4. Database Manager
Method Description of Operation
ChangePassword Changes the embedded database password.
ReadStatus Checks the database status and return the version information.
Table 5. Diagnostic Manager
Method Description of Operation
GetRunningTask Gets the currently active retrieve update task or null.
GenerateSystemLogBundle Instructs the server to generate a system log bundle.
RetrieveSystemLogBundle Retrieves the log bundle using the Binary datatype.
DeleteSystemLogBundle Instructs the server that this log bundle is no longer needed by the client that generated it.
Table 6. Service Instance
Method Description of Operation
ChangeUserPassword Assigns password to the user, who is running the drconfig service.
LoginDrConfig Logs on to the server by verifying user and password with the local OS.
LogoutDrConfig Log out and terminate the current session.
RetrieveContent Retrieves the properties of the service instance.
Table 7. Service Manager
Method Description of Operation
DrConfigStartService Starts the service.
DrConfigStopService Stops the service.
DrConfigServiceStatus Returns a ServiceStatus object which contains the service status information about the service.
DrConfigRestartService Stops the service and then restarts it.
DrConfigAllServicesStatus Returns a ServiceStatus object for all the services.
IsSrmServerRunning Returns the current service state of the Site Recovery Manager
Table 8. SRA Manager
Method Description of Operation
CopySraConfiguration Copies the SRA configuration from a source image to a destination image.
DeleteImage Stops and then deletes the containers instantiated from the given image, and deletes the image itself.
DeleteImageContainers Stops and then deletes the containers which were instantiated from the given image.
GetRunningTask Gets the currently active retrieve update task or null.
GetSraImages Returns a collection of SRA images loaded into the docker daemon of the Site Recovery Manager Virtual Appliance.
GetImageInfo Returns the image information as taken from the queryInfo SRA command.
ResetToFactorySettings Reverts the SRA image's configuration to its factory settings.
Table 9. SSL Certificate Manager
Method Description of Operation
AddCaCertificates Adds certificate authority certificates to the list of validating certificates.
ClearCaCertificates Completely clears Site Recovery Manager specific list of certificate authority certificates, used by the Site Recovery Manager to validate other server's certificates.
DrConfigGenerateCSR Generates a new key and CSR, and returns them for signing.
DrConfigSetCertificate Sets a new certificate. Reconfigures the Site Recovery Manager if already configured. Restarts the proxy service.
DrConfigSetKeyCertificate Sets a new key and certificate, reconfigures Site Recovery Manager if already configured, and then restarts the proxy service.
GetCertificateInfo Lists the certificate info.
InstallSelfSignedCertificate Installs self-signed certificate, reconfigures the Site Recovery Manager if already configured, and restarts the proxy service.
InstallCertificate Installs the PKCS#12 certificate, reconfigures Site Recovery Manager if already configured, and restarts the proxy service.
RemoveCaCertificates Removes certificate authority certificates from the list of validating certificates.
RetrieveCaCertificates Gets the current SRM specific list of certificate authority certificates used by SRM to validate other server's certificates.
ProbeSsl Checks if the Site Recover Manager can establish successful SSL connection to the specified endpoint.
Table 10. Update Manager
Method Description of Operation
DrConfigCheckForUpdates Checks for updates. It checks the repository for available updates.
GetRepositories Gets update repos.
GetRunningTask Tests the currently active retrieve update task or returns null.
InstallUpdate Installs the update.
UpdateRepository Changes the update repository location.