The queryReplicatedRdms method returns information about all the replicated RDMs in the ReplicatedArrayPair.


@optional ReplicatedRdmInfo[] queryReplicatedRdms()
ReplicatedRdmInfo[] is an array and it contains the following information about all the replicated RDMs in the ReplicatedArrayPair:
Table 1.
Field Description
key Unique key identifying this object. The value is constructed from virtual machine MoID and virtual device key.
device Storage device identifier.
deviceGroup Consistency group identifier, if any.
stretchedStorage Indicates if this is a stretched RDM device.
sitePreference For stretched RDM devices, indicates whether this device has the site preference or not.
vm Virtual machine to which the RDM is attached.
deviceKey Virtual device key of the attached RDM.
lunUuid UUID of the RDM LUN.


  • RuntimeFault

For information about the faults that Site Recovery Manager throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.