The following tables provide a list of Site Recovery Manager API methods arranged in alphabetical order.

Table 1. Service Instance
Method Description of Operation
BreakPairing Remove the connection with the remote SRM server. This operation automatically logs out from the remote site.
GetSiteName Get the name of the current local site. (deprecated in 6.5)
GetPairedSite Retrieve information about the remote site that is paired with this local site.
GetLocalSiteInfo Get information about the local site
GetSolutionUserInfo Obtain the Site Recovery Manager solution user name for the local site.
GetPairedSiteSolutionUserInfo Obtain the Site Recovery Manager solution user name for the remote site.
GetLicenseInfo Get assigned license information.
PairSrm Establish persistent network connection with a remote SRM server. Remote SRM server must have the same VC extension key.
ProbeSsl Returns (host and thumbprint) tuples for all PSC/MGMT/DR hosts to which SRM should connect under specified root PSC node.
ReconfigureConnection Reconfigure RemoteSite object with connection information for remote PSC node.

Retrieve the properties of a service instance. Additionally the AboutInfo data object provides information about this service.

SrmLoginByTokenLocale Begin a session with Site Recovery Manager Server.
SrmLoginSitesByToken Log in to both the local and remote vCenter Server.

Log in to remote site when escalated privileges are required and the current session has already been authenticated using SrmLoginSitesByToken.

SrmLoginLocale Begin a session with Site Recovery Manager Server.
SrmLoginSites Log in to both the local and remote vCenter Server.
SrmLogoutLocale Log out sites and terminate the current session.

Log in to remote site when escalated privileges are required on the remote site and the current session has already been authenticated using SrmLoginSites.

Table 2. SRM ExtApi Task
Method Description of Operation
GetSrmExtApiTaskInfo Gets the results of this task
IsSrmExtApiTaskComplete Returns True if this task has been completed
Table 3. Inventory Mapping
Method Description of Operation
AddFolderMapping Add a folder mapping between the primary and secondary vCenter Server.
AddNetworkMapping Add a network mapping between the primary and secondary vCenter Server.
AddResourcePoolMapping Add resource pool mapping between primary and secondary vCenter Server.
AddTestNetworkMapping Add a test network mapping.
GetFolderMappings Returns an array of the folder mappings for a specific inventory mapper.
GetnetworkMappings Returns an array of the network mappings for a specific inventory mapper.
GettestNetworkMappings Returns an array of the test network mappings for a specific inventory mapper.
GetresourcePoolMappings Returns an array of the resource pool mappings for a specific inventory mapper.
RemoveFolderMapping Remove a folder mapping.
RemoveNetworkMapping Remove a network mapping.
RemoveResourcePoolMapping Remove a resource pool mapping.
RemoveTestNetworkMapping Remove a test network mapping.
Table 4. Storage
Method Description of Operation
CreateArrayManager Creates ArrayManager object.
DiscoverDevices Loops through all array managers, local and remote, discovering devices.
QueryArrayManagers Returns a list of all the available array managers.
QueryStorageAdapters List of Storage Replication Adapters (SRAs) info successfully loaded into SRM.
ReloadAdapters Scans SRA installation directory and re-loads SRAs.
RemoveArrayManager Deletes ArrayManager object.
Table 5. Storage Adapter
Method Description of Operation
FetchInfo Fetches basic information about the SRA.
GetAdapterConnectionSpec Gets the connection parameters for the SRA provided by the user.
Table 6. Autoprotect Manager
Method Description of Operation
GetAutoprotectUser Gets the user for the automatic protection.
IsActive Checks if the automatic protection is globally activated (true) or deactivated (false).
SetAutoprotectUser Configures the user to be used by automatic protection on this site. If not called, the default autoprotect user is used.
SetDefaultAutoprotectUser Reverts the current user to the default user.
Table 7. Folder
Method Description of Operation
GetName Get the name of ProtectionGroupFolder or RecoveryPlanFolder.
GetParentFolder Get parent folder for a ProtectionGroupFolder or RecoveryPlanFolder.
GetChildType Specifies the object types a folder may contain.
CreateFolder Creates a new sub-folder with the specified name.
MoveFolder Moves the specified folder into another folder.
DestroyFolder Destroys the specified folder.
RenameFolder Renames the specified Folder.
Table 8. Protection
Method Description of Operation
CreateAbrProtectionGroup Create an array‐based replication (ABR) protection group. The method returns a CreateProtectionGroupTask.
CreateHbrProtectionGroup This method is deprecated. It creates a host‐based replication (HBR) protection group. Returns a CreateProtectionGroupTask.
CreateHbrProtectionGroup2 Create a new host based (that is vSphere replication) ProtectionGroup using the provided virtual machines.
CreateVvolProtectionGroup Creates a new vVol protection group.

Get the root folder for all protection groups, so as to navigate folder hierarchy. The methods below give users the ability to locate replicated resources and construct protection groups, key features of the 5.8 API.

ListProtectionGroups Get a list of the protection groups that are currently configured.
ListInventoryMappings Get a list of the configured inventory mappings on the protection site.
ListReplicatedDatastores Get a list of the replicated datastores. (deprecated in 6.0)
ListUnassignedReplicatedDatastores Get list of replicated datastores that can be used to create new protection groups.
ListUnassignedReplicatedVms Get list of replicated VMs not currently assigned to a Site Recovery Manager protection group.
ProtectionListProtectedDatastores Get list of replicated datastores that are protected by Site Recovery Manager.
ProtectionListProtectedVms Get list of virtual machines that are protected by Site Recovery Manager.
RemoveProtectionGroup Delete a protection group.
Table 9. Protection Group Folder
Method Description of Operation
GetProtectionGroup Retrieves the protection group with the specified name, if any.
ListChildProtectionGroupFolders Return the child ProtectionGroupFolders located in this folder.
ListChildProtectionGroups Return the SrmProtectionGroup objects located in this folder.
Table 10. Create Protection Group Task
Method Description of Operation
GetCreateProtectionGroupResult Once task is complete, check the result to ensure that it succeeded.
GetNewProtectionGroup After checking task result, obtain the newly created SrmProtectionGroup.
IsCreateProtectionGroupComplete Check completeness of the task to create a new protection group.
Table 11. Protection Group
Method Description of Operation

Associate the specified VMs with a group. This is a prerequisite for protection. Only for vSphere Replication.


Adds datastores to the protection group. Additionally, the virtual machines on these datastores can be protected by the protection group. This can be done by calling protectVms method from this interface.


Check the protection group for VMs that are not configured, have configuration issues, and protected VMs that must be configured.

GetAbrGroupDetails Get ABR-specific details for this protection group.
GetInfo Retrieve basic information about this protection group.
GetPeer Retrieve the peer protection group.
GetPlaceholderVmInfo This method returns information for the placeholder VM for the specified protected VM.
GetRecoveryLocationSettings This method returns the recovery location settings for the specified protected VM.
GetProtectionState Get the current state of the protection group.
GetVvolGroupDetails Gets vVol specific details for this protection group.
ListProtectedVms List VMs protected in this group with information about their protection state.
ListProtectedDatastores Retrieve a list of the Datastores protected by this protection group.
ListAssociatedVms Retrieve a list of VMs associated with this group. Only for vSphere Replication and vVol.
MoveGroup This method moves specified ProtectionGroup to a different folder.
ProtectionGroupGetParentFolder Retrieve the folder that contains this protection group.
ProtectionGroupListRecoveryPlans Retrieve a list of all Recovery Plans this protection group is a member of.

Determine whether the specified VMs can be or currently are protected, which must be mapped to the recovery site as per ListInventoryMappings.


Protect the specified VMs. The folder, resource pool, and network of each virtual machine must be mapped to the recovery site. Returns a ProtectionTask.

ProtectionGroupGetOperationalLocation Get the effective location of the protection group.

Removes datastores from the protection group. Virtual machines on the removed datastores are no longer protected by the protection group.

ReconfigureRecoveryLocationSettings Reconfigures the recovery location settings for the specified protected VM.
ReconfigureVvolProtectionGroup Reconfigure settings for this group. For a vVvol ProtectionGroup this method can reconfigure the name, description, fault domain, and associated virtual machines. If the clearAssociatedVms flag is set to true, then the associated virtual machines with this protection group will be cleared. If the flag is not set and the associated Vm's list is not empty, then the associated virtual machines will be added to this protection group replacing the old virtual machines.
RecreatePlaceholder Recreates a placeholder VM.
UnprotectVms Unprotect the specified VMs.
UnassociateVms Unassociate the specified VMs with this group. Only for vSphere Replication and vVol.
Table 12. Protection Task
Method Description of Operation
GetProtectionStatus Get the results of ProtectVms or UnprotectVms

Get Task information from the vCenter Server for each virtual machine that was requested to be protected or unprotected.

GetResult Get the results of this Task.
IsComplete Check if this Task has finished.
Table 13. Recovery
Method Description of Operation
CreateRecoveryPlan Create a recovery plan.
DeleteRecoveryPlan Delete a recovery plan.
GetHistory Retrieve the history for a given Recovery Plan.
GetRecoveryPlanRootFolder Retrieve the root folder for all Recovery Plans.
ListPlans Retrieve all the Recovery Plans for Site Recovery Manager Server.
MovePlan Moves the RecoveryPlan to a different folder.
Table 14. Recovery Plan Folder
Method Description of Operation
GetRecoveryPlan Get MoRef to recovery plan with the specified name in the RecoveryPlanFolder.
ListChildRecoveryPlanFolders Return the child RecoveryPlanFolders located in the folder.
ListChildRecoveryPlans Return an array of SrmRecoveryPlan objects located in the folder.
Table 15. Recovery Plan
Method Description of Operation
AddProtectionGroup Add a protection group to this Recovery Plan.
AddTestNetworkMappingToRecoveryPlan Add a test network mapping to a recovery plan.

Answer the current prompt displayed by a Recovery Plan. Requires the Run privilege for test, or the Failover privilege for the other modes.

Cancel Cancel the specified Recovery Plan.
GetRecoverySettings Retrieve the per‐VM recovery settings for VMs in the Recovery Plan.

List the current prompts that are waiting for input. When a prompt step is reached, the plan goes into the waiting state until AnswerPrompt is received. Prompts are given in the same order in which VMs are scheduled to start up.


Get the peer plan for this Recovery Plan. The returned object refers to a plan at the paired site, not the local site.

RecoveryPlanGetInfo Retrieve basic information about the specified Recovery Plan.
RecoveryPlanGetParentFolder Retrieve the root folder for all Recovery Plans.
RemoveProtectionGroupFromRecoveryPlan Remove a protection group from a recovery plan.
RemoveTestNetworkMappingFromRecoveryPlan Remove a test network mapping from a recovery plan.
RecoveryPlanGetLocation Check whether the recovery plan is hosted locally or on the paired site.
RecoveryPlanHasRunningTask Check whether there is a task that is associated with the recovery plan.

Start the Recovery Plan in the selected mode: test, cleanupTest, recovery, or reprotect. Requires Run privilege for tests, and the Failover privilege for the others. This method is deprecated in 8.5.

StartEx Start the Recovery Plan in the selected mode: test, cleanupTest, reprotect, revert, or migrate. Requires Run privileges for tests, and the Failover privileges for the others.
SetRecoverySettings Modify the per‐VM recovery settings for VMs in the Recovery Plan. Configure the IP address and corresponding DNS, WINS of the virtual machine, after the migration is complete, using the VmIpCustomization API.
Table 16. Recovery History
Method Description of Operation
GetRecoveryResult Retrieve the recovery result for a given run of a Recovery Plan.
GetResultCount Retrieve total number of stored results, including Recovery and peer plans.
GetResultLength Get length of XML result document for the requested recovery result.
RetrieveStatus Retrieve XML document for a historical run of the specified Recovery Plan.
Table 17. IP Subnet Mapper
Method Description of Operation
AddIpMapping Associates an IPMapping object with an inventory-mapped protected site network.
GetIpSubnetMappings Returns an array of the IP subnet mappings for this IP Subnet Mapper.
RemoveIpMappings Removes IPMappings from mapped protected site networks. This must be called on secondary (recovery) site.
Table 18. Array Manager
Method Description of Operation
AddArrayPair Creates ReplicatedArrayPair object for a given pair of storage arrays.
DiscoverArrays Discovers storage arrays configured for replication by executing SRA command discoverArrays.
GetAdapter Returns the corresponding storage adapter to the ArrayManager.
GetArrayDiscoveryStatus Returns the status and timestamp information of latest array discovery.
GetArrayInfo This method gets the list of discovered storage arrays.
QueryReplicatedArrayPairs Returns list of all the replicated array pairs in the ArrayManager.
ReadInfo Returns information specific to the ArrayManager instance.
Reconfigure Updates array manager name and connection parameters for the SRA.
RemoveArrayPair Deletes specified ReplicatedArrayPair object.
Table 19. Replicated Array Pair
Method Description of Operation
GetDevices Returns list of storage devices configured for replication.
GetDeviceGroups Returns list of consistency groups of storage devices configured for replication.
GetReplicatedDatastores Returns list of datastores residing on replicated storage devices.
GetOwner Returns the ArrayManager for the local array in this pair.
GetDeviceDiscoveryStatus Gets the storage device discovery status.
QueryReplicatedRdms Returns info for all replicated RDMs in the ReplicatedArrayPair.
Table 20. Vvol Replication
Method Description of Operation
GetDomains Returns a list of local vVol fault domains with their replication groups which target fault domains matching SRM peer site.
GetUnprotectedVms Returns a list of unprotected vVol replicated virtual machines part of vVol replication groups that target the SRM peer site.
Rescan Initiates a rescan of the server's local vVol configuration. The server keeps updating its view of the local vVol configuration periodically. This results in the newly provisioned vVol virtual machines being available for protection only after the passage of update interval. This function is called to force an update.
Table 21. Placeholder Datastore Manager
Method Description of Operation
AddDatastore Adds datastore to the list of placeholder datastores.
GetPlaceholderDatastores Gets the list of all configured placeholder datastores.
RemoveDatastore Removes datastore(s) from the list of placeholder datastores.
Table 22. Deprecated DisasterRecoveryApi
Method Description of Operation
GetApiVersion Obtain the API version.
GetFinalStatus Get the final status of a Recovery Plan.
Login, Logout, LoginByToken Log in to and out of Site Recovery Manager Server.
ListRecoveryPlans Get a list of Recovery Plans at the SRM site.
RecoveryPlanSettings Get the settings of a specific Recovery Plan at the SRM site.
RecoveryPlanStart Start a specific Recovery Plan in recovery or test mode.
RecoveryPlanPause Pause a running Recovery Plan.
RecoveryPlanResume Restart a paused Recovery Plan.
RecoveryPlanAnswerPrompt Answer a prompt.
RecoveryPlanCancel Cancel a Recovery Plan.

New vCenter Single Sign-On APIs

A set of login‐by‐token functions was added to the ServiceInstance managed object. For an example of use, see the Functions for Logging Into Sites table.

Deprecated APIs

The version 1.0 DisasterRecoveryApi was discontinued in Site Recovery Manager 5.8 and marked deprecated in Site Recovery Manager 6.0, although a new login‐by‐token function was implemented for backward compatibility.
Note: The InvalidLogin fault and others use a different namespace in DisasterRecoveryApi (drextapi.fault.InvalidLogin) than in ServiceInstance (vim.fault.InvalidLogin).

In the RemoteSite managed object, the vcHost and vcPort fields are deprecated. They are replaced by the lkpUrl (Lookup Service URL) and vcInstanceUUID (vCenter Server unique ID).

The GetSiteName method is deprecated in Site Recovery Manager 6.5. You must use LocalSiteInfo.siteInfo to get the local site name.

The SrmProtection.listReplicatedDatastores method is replaced with SrmProtection.listUnassignedReplicatedDatastores.

In the Protection managed object, the createHbrProtectionGroup method is deprecated. It is replaced by the createHbrProtectionGroup2 method.