This method gets the virtual machine protection status after completion of ProtectVms or UnprotectVms.
ProtectionGroup.VmProtectionInfo[] getProtectionStatus()
VmProtectionInfo[] – the completed protection status of VMs that were requested to be protected or unprotected. For more information about VmProtectionInfo, see ProtectionGroupQueryVmProtection.
The VmProtectionInfo.ProtectionStatus has the following fields:
Fields | Description |
canBeProtected | the VM is able to be protected, but is not currently |
canNotBeProtected | the VM is not able to be protected |
isProtected | the VM is already protected |
needsConfiguration | the VM must be configured or repaired before it may be protected. Please check the faults property for information about any additional prerequisites. |
- RuntimeFault
For information about the faults that Site Recovery Manager throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.
Example for GetProtectionStatus
List < SrmProtectionGroupVmProtectionInfo > protectionStatus = srmPortType.getProtectionStatus(ManagedObjectReference _this); Where ManagedObjectReference _this = _protectionTaskRef; where _protectionTaskRef can be taken from: SrmServiceInstanceContent content = _srmPortType.retrieveContent(_svcRef); ManagedObjectReference _protectionRef = content.getProtection(); List < ManagedObjectReference > groups = srmPortType.listProtectionGroups(_protectionRef); _protectionGroupRef = groups.get(0); ManagedObjectReference _protectionTaskRef = srmPortType.protectVms( _protectionGroupRef, _vms);