You can program Web services and read WSDL files using the C# language with Visual Studio .NET, or using the Java language with the Axis framework or the JAX‐WS framework. You can program Web services using many other languages and frameworks, but they are beyond the scope of this manual.
Java JAX-WS Framework
The SDK provides sample code that uses the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.6 with the JAX‐WS framework bundled with the JDK 1.6. The build scripts generate Java stubs from the Site Recovery Manager specific WSDL.
C# and Visual Studio
The Site Recovery Manager SDK provides sample C# .NET code prepared for use with Visual Studio 2008, which you can convert for use with Visual Studio 2010 and perhaps later versions as well.
Java Axis Framework
The Site Recovery Manager SDK provides legacy sample code that requires Java SE 1.5 or later and Apache Axis 1.4. Samples are set up for stub generation on Windows or on Linux.
Managed Objects as WSDL
Site Recovery Manager managed objects and methods are derived from classes and methods in the vSphere API, also known as the virtual machine object description language (VMODL). In the SDK, the Site Recovery Manager interfaces are mixed in with vSphere interfaces. For specific information about vSphere interfaces, see the vSphere API Reference manual, which is in the vSphere Web Services SDK under the VMware vSphere Management SDK.