This section lists the various faults thrown by the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management APIs.
Fault | Description |
CannotCreateSraLogDirectory | Thrown when the SRA directory cannot be created. |
CannotExecuteDockerCommand | Thrown when there are issues executing the 'docker' CLI inside the SRM VA, that is there is no 'docker' command in the '/usr/bin/' directory; there are no permissions to execute the 'docker' command, and so on. |
CannotGenerateSystemLogBundle | Thrown when bundle generation fails and we cannot narrow it down to a more precise result. |
CertificateBadKeyPair | Thrown when the private key does not match the certificate's public key. |
CertificateCaNotAllowed | Thrown when certification authority certificate is provided. |
CertificateCtlNotValidForUsage | Thrown when a certificate trust list used to create this chain is not valid for this usage. |
CertificateCtlSignatureNotValid | Thrown when a certificate trust list used to create this chain did not have a valid signature. |
CertificateCtlTimeNotValid | Thrown when a certificate trust list used to create this chain was not time-valid. |
CertificateCyclicError | Thrown when a cycle in the certificate chain of trust was detected. |
CertificateDnsMismatch | Thrown when the certificate's Subject Alternative Name does not meet certain conditions. |
CertificateHasExpired | Thrown when the certificate has expired. |
CertificateInvalidKeyLength | Thrown when the certificate does not have the minimum required key length. |
CertificateMd5NotAllowed | Thrown when certificate signed with MD5 is provided. |
CertificateNotTimeNested | Thrown when certificates in the host's certificate chain are not properly time-nested. |
CertificateNotTrustedByDrConfig | DrConfig cannot validate SSL certificate. |
CertificateNotValidForUsage | Thrown when a certificate in the host's chain is not valid in its proposed usage. |
CertificateNotYetValid | Thrown when the certificate is not yet valid. |
CertificateParseError | Thrown when certificate can't be parsed due to incorrect format or password. |
CertificatePartialChain | Thrown when the host certificate chain is not complete. |
CertificateRevocStatusUnknown | Thrown when a certificate in the host's chain has an unknown revocation status. |
CertificateRevokedError | Thrown when trust for a certificate in the host's chain has been revoked. |
CertificateSha1NotAllowed | Thrown when certificate signed with SHA-1 is not allowed. |
CertificateSignatureNotValid | Thrown when a certificate in the host's chain does not have a valid signature. |
CertificateTimeNotValid | Thrown when a certificate in the host's chain is not time-valid. |
CertificateUnknownError | Thrown when an unknown certificate trust error occurs. |
CertificateUntrustedRoot | Thrown when a certificate in the host's chain is based on an untrusted root. |
ChangePasswordFault | Thrown when change pass operation fails. |
CommandFailed | Thrown when the SRA command execution fails. |
CommandResponseMissing | Thrown when a request is made involving a non-existent docker image. |
ConnectionError | Thrown during a failed TCP connection when accessing an address using a port number. |
ConnectionRefusedFault | Thrown when the connection was refused by the target. |
CreateDbSchemaFault | Thrown when there is an error during database schema creation. |
DatabaseConnectionFault | Thrown when there's an error while connecting to database. |
DnsLookupFault | Thrown when failed to look up the server in DNS |
DockerCommandFailed | Thrown when the 'docker' command execution failed. The contents of the command's 'stderr' can be found in the reason field. |
DockerImageDoesNotExist | Thrown when a request is made involving a non-existent docker image. |
DrConfigMethodFault | Root type for all DrConfig faults |
DrConfigRuntimeFault | Base type for DrConfig faults extending RuntimeFault |
DropDbSchemaFault | Thrown when there is an error during db schema drop. |
ExcessiveTimeSkewFault | Thrown when the time skew between this machine |
FailedToRetrieveUpdateFault | Thrown when check for update fails to retrieve avaivable updates from the repository. |
HostUnreachableFault | Thrown when the host could not be contacted. |
IncompatibleVcFault | Occurs when attempting to connect to a Virtual Center server with incompatible protocol version. |
InstallUpdateFailedFault | Thrown when install update fails. |
InternalError | Occurs when the fault is not better described by a more specific DrConfig fault. |
InvalidLocale | Thrown when a locale name is invalid or unavailable. |
InvalidLogin | Thrown when the login is incomplete due to an incorrect token, user name, or password. |
IncompatibleVmomiServer | Thrown when a VMOMI server has an incompatible version. |
InvalidCaCertificate | Thrown when provided certificate cannot be decoded from PEM format or when it is not CA certificate. |
InvalidCertificate | Thrown when certificate is not suitable. For example when it is expired, not yet valid, contains a weak key etc. |
InvalidNetworkConfiguration | Thrown when network configuration provided by client is not valid. For example when static IP address is configured but DNS is dynamic. |
NoPermission | Thrown when an operation is denied because of a privilege not held on a managed object. |
NotAuthenticated | Thrown when an operation is denied because the session has not yet successfully logged in. |
NotAuthorized | Failed to authorize account. |
OutOfBounds | Thrown if a parameter exceeds the acceptable range of values. |
PrivateKeyNotFound | Thrown when certificate does not match the generated private key. |
ReadDbStatusFault | Thrown when there is an error during db status read. |
RecreateDbSchemaFault | Thrown when there is an error during db |
ServiceBusy | Thrown if another configuration task is already running. |
ServiceIdle | Thrown when cancel is called and thereis no running task. |
ServiceNotFound | Thrown when an attempt is made to retrieve service information for a non-existent service. |
SraOperationsDisabled | Thrown when SRA operation are disabled through the configuration. Used in VMC case. |
SraUuidMismatch | Thrown when an operation involves two SRA images which have different vendor UUIDs. Some operations only make sense between SRA images which represent different version of the same SRA. For example, copying the SRA configuration. By the SRA spec, such images must have the same vendor UUID. |
SrmAlreadyRunning | Thrown when configure is called on an already running SRM server. |
SrmNotConfigured | Thrown when the operation's prerequisite of a configured SRM is not met. |
SsoTokenNotAcquired | Thrown when SSO token could not be acquired. |
SystemLogBundleNotFound | Thrown when an attempt is made to access a system log bundle that does not exist |
UpdateNotAvailableFault | Thrown when install operation is invoked without avaivable update. |
UpgradeDbFault | Thrown when there is an error during db schema upgrade. |