After you unzip the Site Recovery Manager SDK, the following directories and sub‐directories appear. Many of the sub‐directories contain helpful readme files.

Table 1. SDK Directory Structure
Directory or File Description
/doc Contains SDK README files and reference documentation for the SDK.
/doc/srm/ReferenceGuide API Reference for the Site Recovery Manager API. To view the API Reference, open index.html with a Web browser.
/doc/drconfig/ReferenceGuide API Reference for the Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API. To view the API Reference, open index.html with a Web browser.
/doc/SDK_Terms_and_Conditions.* End-user license agreement for the Site Recovery Manager SDK.
/samples Top‐level directory for language‐specific versions of sample client applications.
samples/srm/DotNet Directory containing command scripts to generate the .NET proxy classes and Web service stubs for the VMware Site Recovery Manager API. The GeneratingStubs.txt file gives helpful notes about how to generate stubs with your own namespace for Visual Studio 2008.
samples/srm/DotNet/cs Directory containing Visual Studio 2008 solution (.sln) file and sub‐directories with C# AppUtil support code and RecoveryPlan.cs sample application with project (.csproj) file VMware Site Recovery Manager API.
/samples/srm/JAXWS Directory containing Java source code for the JAX‐WS framework for the VMware Site Recovery Manager API. Sample program is in the com/vmware/samples/recovery subdirectory. Shell scripts and batch files are provided to build and run the sample program.
/samples/srm/Axis Directory containing Java source code for the Axis framework for the VMware Site Recovery Manager API. Sample program is in the java\com\vmware\samples\recovery subdirectory. Shell scripts and batch files are provided to build and run the sample program.
/wsdl/srm/srm.wsdl The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file containing definition of the VMware Site Recovery Manager API.
/wsdl/srm/srm‐Service.wsdl A WSDL file defining the Web services endpoint at which the VMware Site Recovery Manager API is available. This file references the srm.wsdl with an import statement, so you will use the appropriate generation tool with srm-Service.wsdl (rather than srm.wsdl directly).
/wsdl/srm/*.xsd XML schema definition files (six).
/samples/drconfig/Axis Directory containing batch files and Axis source code for the VMware Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API.
/samples/drconfig/DotNet/cs Directory containing batch files, plus several other subdirectories containing Windows C# sample applications (in the appropriate namespace structure), the Microsoft Visual Studio project files (.sln files) for the VMware Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API.
/samples/drconfig/JAXWS Directory containing batch files and JAXWS source code for the VMware Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API.
/wsdl/drconfig/drconfig.wsdl The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file containing definition of the VMware Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API.
/wsdl/drconfig/drconfig-service.wsdl A WSDL file defining the Web services endpoint at which the VMware Site Recovery Manager Appliance Management API is available. The drconfig-service.wsdl file references the drconfig.wsdl with an import statement, so you will use the appropriate generation tool with drconfig-service.wsdl (rather than drconfig.wsdl directly).