Source code build files are located in the samples/Axis/java directory, as extracted from the ZIP archive.


  1. Change directory to sdk/samples/JAXWS, where the JAR files are located, if you are not already there, and set CLASSPATH. Example settings for Linux and Windows are export CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386/lib and set CLASSPATH=%JAVAHOME%\lib
    Sometimes CLASSPATH has already been set system wide.
  2. Define VMKEYSTORE as the path to the Java key store. This is needed to securely access a Site Recovery Manager Server, export VMKEYSTORE=/usr/share/mime/application/x-java-keystore.xml and set VMKEYSTORE=C:\cygwin\usr\share\mime\application\x-java-keystore.xml
  3. After you build the sample program, you can call it with the run script as follows, com.vmware.samples.recovery.RecoveryPlanList --url <srm-URL> --username <user> --password <passwd>
    If you include the --ignorecert option, the sample code runs the following to get around an untrusted server certificate: System.setProperty("", "");