Returns a list of local vVol fault domains with their replication groups which target fault domains matching SRM peer site.


@optional DomainInfo[] getDomains()

DomainInfo[] is a list of fault domain information data objects describing the currently available vVol fault domains. It has the following fields:

Field Description
id ID of the fault domain.
name Name of the fault domain.
description Description of the fault domain. The description is expected to be already localized by the VASA provider and the VC.
vasaProviderUid Identifier of the vendor of the VASA provider for this fault domain.
vasaProviderVendor Name of the vendor of the VASA provider for this fault domain.
vasaProviderModel VASA provider model name for this fault domain.
vasaProviderVersion VASA provider version string for this fault domain.
@optional ReplicationGroupInfo[] sourceReplicationGroups Source replication groups in this fault domain. Empty if no replication groups are in SOURCE state.

ReplicationGroupInfo[] is the information about a vVol replication group. For more information, see GetVvolGroupDetails.

Note: DomainInfo and ReplicationGroupInfo extends FaultInfo. For more information, see GetVvolGroupDetails.


  • RuntimeFault

For information about the faults that Site Recovery Manager throws, see Faults in Site Recovery Manager API.