When you try to export Site Recovery Manager configuration data, the export fails with an error about duplicate INSTANCE_UUID values.


When you try to export Site Recovery Manager configuration data, the export fails due to the following error "Export ended with errors, check log for more information. Error: Duplicate key l_vm_vm-123456".


The problem can occur when a virtual machine and a virtual machine template in one of the vCenter Server inventories have the same INSTANCE_UUIDs. The virtual machine and the virtual machine template must have different INSTANCE_UUID values.

The l_ prefix in the error message means that the objects with the same INSTANCE_UUIDs are in the inventory of the local site. An r_ prefix in the error message means that the objects with the same INSTANCE_UUIDs are in the inventory of the remote site. The local site is the site from which the export operation is initiated, the remote site is the other site in the Site Recovery Manager pair. The end part of the error message vm-123456 represents the ManagedObjectReference value of one of the vCenter Server objects.


Delete the virtual machine or the virtual machine template from the vCenter Server inventory. Deleting one of the objects removes the duplicate key.