You can use the Site Recovery User Interface to import Site Recovery Manager configuration data from a previously exported XML file.


Provide a clean Site Recovery Manager installation, registered with the same vCenter Server instance or with a vCenter Server instance with the same inventory as the exported.


  1. In the vSphere Client, click Site Recovery > Open Site Recovery.
  2. On the Site Recovery home tab, select a site pair, and click View Details.
  3. On the Summary tab, click Export/Import SRM Configuration > Import.
  4. On the Confirmation page, select the check boxes, and click Next.
  5. Click Browse, navigate to the previously exported XML file, and click Import.
  6. If the selected export file contains array managers, select which array manager pairs to import and provide credentials, and click Import.
    If there are problems with an import stage, you can download a CSV report file.
  7. When the import is complete, click Close.