These are the release notes for Spring Cloud Data Flow for VMware Tanzu.

Caution Do not upgrade to SCDF for VMware Tanzu v1.14 if you are using the MySQL 8 for TAS tile with single node service instances until you have upgraded MySQL for TAS. The combination of the two results in database deadlocks when launching tasks.

To avoid this problem, upgrade MySQL for Tanzu Application Service to version 3.2.1, 3.1.4, or 3.0.7 before upgrading to SCDF v1.14.


Release Date: July 23, 2024

Notable changes in 1.14.3

Dependency Updates

  • Updated to Spring Framework 5.3.37
  • Updated versions and mitigations for CVEs.
    • Jackson 2.17.2
    • Reactor 2020.0.45
    • Netty 4.1.111.Final
    • Tomcat 9.0.90
    • nimbus-jose-jwt 9.37.3
    • testcontainers 1.19.8

Bug Fixes

  • "cf service-logs" doesn't work anymore with SCDF 1.14.1 (SCDF-66)
  • Spring Cloud Dataflow v1.14.1 - Unrecognized java version Description: (SCDF-67)

See Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.4 release notes for more details.

Dependent Projects and Compatibility

Component Version
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro Server Build 1.6.3
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro UI 1.6.3
Spring Cloud Deployer 2.9.4
Spring Cloud Skipper 2.11.4
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI 3.4.5
Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.11.4


Release Date: May 22, 2024

Features included in this release

Task Executions

  • Added tasks/thinexecutions endpoint for faster retrieval of Task executions.

Changes / Fixes

  • Updated to Spring Framework 5.3.34

  • Updated versions and mitigations for CVEs.

    • CVE-2024-22263 Skipper upload validation vulnerability mitigated.
    • Nimbus 9.37.2
    • BouncyCastle 1.78.1
    • Spring Kafka 2.9.13
    • Embedded Tomcat 9.0.88
    • Netty family
      • Netty to 4.1.109.Final
      • Reactor BOM to 2020.0.43
      • Rsocket BOM to 1.1.4
  • Numerous other bug fixes and improvements - see Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.3 release notes for details

Dependent Projects and Compatibility

Component Version
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro Server Build 1.6.2
Spring Cloud Dataflow Pro UI 1.6.2
Spring Cloud Deployer 2.9.3
Spring Cloud Skipper 2.11.3
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI 3.4.3
Spring Cloud Dataflow 2.11.3


Release Date: Jan 22, 2024

Features included in this release

Included in this release:

  • Upgrades to Spring Cloud Data Flow Pro 1.6.1 (with Spring Cloud Data Flow OSS 2.11.2 and Spring Cloud Skipper OSS 2.11.2)
  • Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.18
  • Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.31
  • Upgrades to Spring Cloud 2021.0.9
  • Resolves logback CVE-2023-6378
  • Resolves Okio CVE-2023-3635
  • Numerous other bug fixes and improvements. For more information, see the Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.2 release notes
  • Adds compatibility with TAS 6.0


Release Date: Oct 19, 2023

Features included in this release

Included in this release:

  • Upgrades to Spring Cloud Data Flow Pro 1.6.0 (with Spring Cloud Data Flow OSS 2.11.1 and Spring Cloud Skipper OSS 2.11.1)
  • Upgrades to Spring Boot 2.7.16
  • Upgrades to Spring Framework 5.3.30
  • Upgrades to Spring Cloud 2021.0.8
  • Adds support for Spring Boot 3.x based stream applications.
  • Adds support for Spring Cloud Task 3.x based task applications.
  • Adds support for Spring Batch 5.x based batch applications.
  • For more information about the Spring Boot 3.x support see the Boot 3 Appendix in the Dataflow reference guide.
  • Resolves numerous vulnerabilities (CVE)
  • Resolves CVE-2022-22965.
  • Resolves CVE-2021-29425.
  • Numerous other bug fixes and improvements. For information about these changes see release notes for Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.0 and 2.11.1 on GitHub
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