Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu is compatible with the BOSH Backup and Restore (BBR) framework. You can use BBR to back up your installation of Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu and restore it from a backup. This article provides information about backing up and restoring Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu using BBR.

Note BBR is the only supported method for backing up or restoring Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu. The following information assumes that you have installed and are using the BBR binary.

Data included in a backup

The backup file contains the state of the Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu BOSH VM. This includes the following data:

  • The scg-service-broker database used by the Spring Cloud Gateway service broker to store service instance information

Backing apps and network policies for Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu service instances are included in a backup of the platform. For more information, see Backing up and restoring the platform.


You need:

  • The BOSH command line credentials ([client_id] and [client_secret] in the graphic). These are available from the Credentials tab of the BOSH Director tile in the Tanzu Operations Manager Installation Dashboard, in the Bosh Commandline Credentials row.

    Tanzu Operations Manager, Credentials tab, table shows list of credentials and links to them.

  • The BOSH Director's IP address ([bosh_director_ip] in the graphic). This is available from the Status tab of the BOSH Director tile in the Installation Dashboard, in the IPs column of the BOSH Director row.

    Tanzu Operations Manager, Status tab, IPs column.

  • The BOSH Director's CA certificate ([bosh_ca_cert] in the graphic). This is available on the Ops Manager VM at /var/tempest/workspaces/default/root_ca_certificate, or using the Ops Manager API. See the Ops Manager documentation about how to Retrieve the Ops Manager Root CA.

  • If restoring: A BBR backup artifact from which to restore your Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu installation. The path to this artifact is [path_to_artifact].

  • The name of the Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu BOSH deployment. This can be found by running the bosh deployments command, as shown in the example, and looking for the deployment named p_spring-cloud-gateway-service-[UNIQUE_HASH]:

    $ BOSH_CLIENT=[client_id] \
    BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=[client_secret] \
    bosh --environment [bosh_director_ip] \
      --ca-cert [bosh_ca_cert] \

Backing up Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu

To back up your Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu installation, run the bbr deployment backup command as shown in the example:

$ BOSH_CLIENT=[client_id] \
BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=[client_secret] \
bbr deployment \
  --target [bosh_director_ip] \
  --deployment [p_spring_cloud_gateway_deployment_name] \
  --ca-cert [bosh_ca_cert] \

Restoring Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu from a backup

To restore your Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu installation from an existing backup, run the bbr deployment restore command as shown in the example:

$ BOSH_CLIENT=[client_id] \
BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=[client_secret] \
bbr deployment \
  --target [bosh_director_ip]> \
  --deployment [p_spring_cloud_gateway_deployment_name] \
  --ca-cert [bosh_ca_cert] \
  restore \
  --artifact-path [path_to_artifact]
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