Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu provides a simple yet effective way to route API requests (internal or external) to application services that expose APIs on Tanzu Application Service. The product, based on the open source Spring Cloud Gateway project, is the API gateway solution that application developers love. Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu handles cross-cutting concerns on behalf of API development teams, such as: Single Sign-On (SSO), access control, rate limiting, resiliency, security, and more. Accelerate API delivery using modern cloud native patterns, any programming language you choose for API development, and integration with your existing CI/CD pipeline strategy.

About Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu

Operators and developers are able to manage all of their API gateways using Tanzu Application Service native tools they are familiar with, such as the Ops Manager, Cloud Foundry CLI and Apps Manager. API gateways are managed via the service broker and JSON configuration. JSON can be used to define configuration for authentication and authorization, performance optimization characteristics, platform integrations and resource utilization parameters.

Built on Open Source Technologies

Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu is based on the open source Spring Cloud Gateway project. This project provides a library that can be used to create your own API gateway implementation to route HTTP traffic to application services written in any programming language. It is built on top of other Spring ecosystem projects, including Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, and Project Reactor, and provides an effective solution for routing diverse client requests along with addressing cross-cutting concerns such as security, monitoring, and resiliency.

The open source project is battle-tested and is used by thousands of development teams to handle their API traffic. Built from the ground up for performance based on its non-blocking I/O design, it can handle the load with low latency.

Commercial Capabilities

Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu provides an implementation of Spring Cloud Gateway, along with integrating other Spring ecosystem projects such as Spring Security, Spring Session, and more. This product includes the following commercial-only features on top of those open source underpinnings:

  • Cloud Foundry service broker for managing API gateway instances

  • Configuration for Tanzu Application Service platform capabilities such as application security groups and isolation segments

  • Dynamic API route configuration

  • Automatic configuration of container networking rules between API gateway and application services exposing APIs via service binding

  • Enforce access to application service APIs via API gateway through use of Tanzu Application Servicecontainer networking and internal domain routing

  • Support for API updates through existing continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) pipelines

  • Simple Single Sign-On (SSO) configuration combined with commercial API route filters to enable authentication and access control

  • Additional commercial API route filters for transporting authorized client certificate authorization, rate limiting approaches, and circuit breaker configuration

  • OpenAPI version 3 auto-generated documentation

  • High availability configuration by setting instance count for horizontal scalability

With Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu, application operators can focus on managing and monitoring API gateways in their target Tanzu Application Service spaces, while application developers can focus on how APIs are exposed, with the appropriate design and cross-cutting concerns applied. API consumers receive a consistent experience when accessing APIs exposed via Spring Cloud Gateway for VMware Tanzu service instances.