The Spring Cloud Services service broker and the Spring Cloud Config Server backing apps for Config Server and Service Registry service instances use Spring Boot Actuator. Actuator adds a number of endpoints to these apps, including the endpoints shown in the table.

ID Function
health Displays information about the health and status of the app
info Displays selected information about the app

See the Endpoints section of the Actuator documentation for the full list of endpoints.

Service Broker endpoints

The Spring Cloud Services service broker activates the Spring Boot Actuator health and info endpoints.

Locating the Service Broker URL

You can locate the service broker's URL using the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI) by running the cf service-brokers command and looking for the scs-service-broker broker's URL.

$ cf service-brokers
Getting service brokers as user...

name                 url

Accessing endpoints

You can access an Actuator endpoint on the service broker by appending the path /actuator/ENDPOINT to the broker's URL, where ENDPOINT is the ID of the endpoint. To view the output of the health endpoint, append /actuator/health to the service broker's URL. The following example uses cURL to make a request of the endpoint:

$ curl

Given an unauthenticated request, the health endpoint displays only summary health information. With the cf CLI, you can use the cf oauth-token command to obtain an OAuth 2.0 token for use in making an authenticated request to this endpoint:

$ curl -H "Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)"

Service instance endpoints

The backing apps for Config Server and Service Registry service instances activate the Spring Boot Actuator health endpoint. See below for information about how to access it.

Locating the service instance URL

To obtain the URL of a service instance's backing app, run the cf service command, giving the name of the service instance:

$ cf service my-config-server
Showing info of service my-config-server in org myorg / space dev as user...

name:            my-config-server
service:         p.config-server
plan:            standard
description:     Config Server

Copy the URL given for dashboard, removing the /dashboard path. This is the URL of the service instance's backing app. In the example above, this would be:

Accessing endpoints

You can access an Actuator endpoint on the service instance's backing app by appending the path /actuator/ENDPOINT to the URL of the service instance's backing app, where ENDPOINT is the ID of the endpoint. To view the output of the health endpoint, append /actuator/health to the backing app's URL. The following example uses cURL to make a request of the endpoint:

$ curl

Given an unauthenticated request, the health endpoint displays only summary health information. You can use the cf oauth-token command to obtain an OAuth 2.0 token for use in making an authenticated request to this endpoint:

$ curl -H "Authorization: $(cf oauth-token)"
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