This topic tells you how to update your Tanzu Build Service (commonly known as TBS) dependencies.

Keeping applications up-to-date with the latest dependency patches is a core feature of Tanzu Build Service. Updates to dependencies will be propagated to application images. The resources that account for these patches are:

  • ClusterStacks - Update a ClusterStack to patch operating system packages.
  • ClusterStores - Update a ClusterStore to patch the Cloud Native Buildpacks used to build your applications.

You can use the kp CLI to update any resource. See the kpack-cli help text on GitHub.

Note: These docs assume you are using kp CLI v0.11.x with Tanzu Build Service v1.11.x. If a feature is not working, you might need to upgrade your CLI.

Updating dependencies

Automatically update dependencies

Tanzu Build Service ships with a dependency updater that can update ClusterStacks, ClusterStores, ClusterBuilders, and the CNB Lifecycle from TanzuNet automatically. Enabling this feature keeps images up to date with the latest security patches and fixes.

You can run kubectl get TanzuNetDependencyUpdater -A to check if you have a TanzuNetDependencyUpdater set up already. If you have one, there is nothing you need to do to manage your dependencies in Tanzu Build Service.

If you would like to enable this feature after install, you can create the following resources:

  1. A secret with you TanzuNet credentials (kp secret create dependency-updater-secret --registry --registry-user <TANZUNET_USERNAME>) in the namespace where you would like your dependency updater to be.
  2. A service account that contains that secret. (If the secret was created using kp, it is automatically added to the default service account in that namespace.
  3. A TanzuNetDependencyUpdater resource:
kind: TanzuNetDependencyUpdater
  name: dependency-updater
  namespace: <NAMESPACE>
  serviceAccountName: <SERVICE-ACCOUNT>
  productSlug: tbs-dependencies
  checkEvery: 1m
  descriptorName: <DESCRIPTOR-NAME>
  descriptorVersion: <DESCRIPTOR-VERSION>
  • The productSlug field corresponds to the product name in TanzuNet.
  • The checkEvery field is the frequency that the updater checks for new descriptor file releases.
  • The serviceAccountName field is the name of the service account from step 2.
  • The descriptorName field is the name of the descriptor to import automatically. Available options can be found on the Tanzu Network Build Service Dependencies page. Currently available options at time of release:
    • full contains all dependencies - for production use.
    • lite smaller footprint used for speeding up installs. Requires Internet access on the cluster.
  • The descriptorVersion (optional) field can be used to pin to a specific version of the descriptor. This is only recommended for use to protect from breaking changes. This can usually be left blank.

Bulk update

Note: If you want to be alerted when a new descriptor file is published, we recommend using an RSS reader and watching the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies Tanzu Network feed for updates

The bulk update workflow can update all dependencies in Tanzu Build Service, such as ClusterStacks, ClusterStores, and ClusterBuilders, using the kp import command.

  1. Download the dependency descriptor file (descriptor-<version>.yaml) from the latest release on the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies page on Tanzu Network.

    Note: You can see all of the buildpackages versions that are imported by looking at the buildpackage-versions- .yaml file from the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies release.

  2. Log in to the Tanzu Network registry, using both URLs.

    • If using the docker CLI, run:

      docker login
      docker login
    • If using the crane CLI, run:

      crane auth login
      crant auth login
  3. Use the kp CLI.

    Warning: Tanzu Build Service ships with a automatic dependency updater. If you have enabled this feature during install by passing in your TanzuNet credentials, you must skip this step. To check if you have a TanzuNetDependencyUpdater in your cluster, run: kubectl get TanzuNetDependencyUpdaters -A

    kp import -f descriptor-<version>.yaml

The following ClusterStacks are updated with the latest operating system patches: base, default, full, and tiny.

The following ClusterStore is updated with the latest Cloud Native Buildpacks: default.

Using the --show-changes flag gives a summary of the resource changes for the import. You are also asked to confirm the import. Confirmation can be skipped with --force.

Cluster stacks update

This section describes how to update individual cluster stacks. This provides a more fine-grained way to patch operating system packages.

New stack versions are provided on the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies page on Tanzu Network.

To update specific cluster stacks, go to the latest release of the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies page on Tanzu Network to find the image references and their <sha256> sums. Example commands are provided on this page.

Use the following kp CLI commands to update the desired stack:

kp clusterstack update base \
  --build-image<sha256> \

kp clusterstack update default \
  --build-image<sha256> \

kp clusterstack update full \
  --build-image<sha256> \

kp clusterstack update tiny \
  --build-image<sha256> \

Note: Both build and run images need to be provided to update the stack.

To view the updated ClusterStack, run:

kp clusterstack status <stack-name>

Example output:

$ kp clusterstack status tiny
Status:         Ready
Id:             io.paketo.stacks.tiny
Run Image:
Build Image:

Cluster store update

ClusterStores contain all of the buildpackages (one or more packaged Cloud Native Buildpacks) to be used by builders to build application images.

You can update Cloud Native Buildpacks in Tanzu Build Service by adding new buildpackage versions to the store.

To list the buildpackages available in a store:

kp clusterstore status <store-name>

Example output:

$ kp clusterstore status default
Status:    Ready

paketo-buildpacks/procfile      1.4.0
tanzu-buildpacks/dotnet-core    0.0.3
tanzu-buildpacks/go             1.0.5
tanzu-buildpacks/httpd          0.0.38
tanzu-buildpacks/java           2.5.0
tanzu-buildpacks/nginx          0.0.45
tanzu-buildpacks/nodejs         1.1.0
tanzu-buildpacks/php            0.0.3

To show a complete list of all buildpacks available in a store, run:

kp clusterstore status <store-name> --verbose

To update a store with one or more buildpackages, run:

kp clusterstore add <store-name> -b <buildpackage-image1> -b <buildpackage-image2>

Note: Any number of buildpackages can be added to a store at a time with multiple -b flags.

Updating buildpacks From Tanzu Network

New Cloud Native Buildpacks (packaged as buildpackages) are available on Tanzu Network and can be uploaded to a Tanzu Build Service to keep application images patched.

New versions of the Java, NodeJS, and Go buildpacks are released on their respective Tanzu Network pages:

New versions of all other buildpacks are released on the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies page.

Here is a list of how to update each buildpack that is included with Tanzu Build Service by default:

kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>
kp clusterstore add default -b<version>

Additionally, multiple buildpackages can be added to Build Service by passing multiple image references:

kp clusterstore add <store-name> \
  -b \
  -b \

Offline update of dependencies

If your Tanzu Build Service installation is in an offline/air-gapped environment, you can update stores with the following offline workflow:

  1. Find the latest version of the Dependency Descriptor bundle image ( from the latest release on the Tanzu Build Service Dependencies page on Tanzu Network.

1 Download the Tanzu Cluster Essentials for your operating system and install the following CLIs: - ytt - kbld - imgpkg

  1. Log in to the Tanzu Network registry with your Tanzu Network credentials:

    • If using the docker CLI, run:

      docker login
    • If using the crane CLI, run:

      crane auth login
  2. Download the dependency images for Tanzu Build Service to your local machine with imgpkg using the VERSION found from Tanzu Network in step 1:

    imgpkg copy -b<VERSION> \
    1. Move the output file tbs-dependencies.tar to a machine that has access to the “offline” environment.
  3. Log in to the image registry used to deploy Tanzu Build Service:

    • If using the docker CLI, run:

      docker login <build-service-registry>
    • If using the crane CLI, run:

      crane auth login <build-service-registry>
  4. Upload the dependency images to the registry used to deploy Tanzu Build Service by running:

    imgpkg copy --tar=tbs-dependencies.tar \
      --to-repo <IMAGE-REPOSITORY>

    Where IMAGE-REPOSITORY is the repository used to install Tanzu Build Service. This should be the same value as IMAGE-REPOSITORY used in the Installation Steps.

  5. Now that you have relocated the dependencies to the internal registry, update the resources by running:

    imgpkg pull -b <IMAGE-REPOSITORY>:<VERSION> \
      -o /tmp/descriptor-bundle \
      --registry-ca-cert-path <PATH-TO-CA>
    kbld -f /tmp/descriptor-bundle/.imgpkg/images.yml \
      -f /tmp/descriptor-bundle/tanzu.descriptor.v1alpha3/descriptor-<VERSION>.yaml \
      | kp import -f -
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