This topic gives you reference information about the Amazon DynamoDB Table (csb-aws-dynamodb-table, formerly csb-aws-dynamodb) service. It details the plans, configuration parameters, and binding credentials.


The Amazon DynamoDB Table service is in beta and is intended for evaluation and test purposes only. Do not use this service in a production environment.


The default plans for Amazon DynamoDB Table are in the following table:

Plan Billing Mode
ondemand With on-demand capacity mode, DynamoDB is charged for the data reads and writes the application performs on the table
provisioned With provisioned capacity mode, specify the number of reads and writes per second that the application is expected to require

Plan Configuration Parameters

When configuring Cloud Service Broker for AWS you can add additional plans. For how to configure plans, see Configure Services with Cloud Service Broker for AWS.

The following table lists parameters which can only be configured for additional plans:

Parameter Name Values Default Required
name The plan name n/a Yes
id A unique GUID n/a Yes
description Description of the new plan n/a Yes
free When false, service instances of this service plan have a cost true No
bindable Specifies whether service instances of the service plan can bind to applications true No
plan_updateable Whether the plan supports upgrading, downgrading, or sidegrading to another version true No
billing_mode Controls how you are billed for read/write throughput and how you manage capacity PAY_PER_REQUEST Yes
metadata.displayName Name to use when displaying the plan in Marketplace n/a No
metadata.bullets List of bullet points to display in Apps Manager n/a No

You can also add any of the parameters listed in the Configuration Parameters section to your plan.


If you set a parameter at plan level, developers cannot change the value when creating or updating service instances.

Configuration Parameters

You can provision an Amazon DynamoDB table by running:

cf create-service csb-aws-dynamodb-table PLAN-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME -c \

For example:

$ cf create-service csb-aws-dynamodb-table ondemand my-service -c '
  "attributes": [
  "global_secondary_indexes": [
      "hash_key": "key",
      "name": "KeyIndex",
      "non_key_attributes": ["id"],
      "projection_type": "INCLUDE",
      "range_key": "value"
  "hash_key": "id",
  "range_key": "value",
  "table_name": "csb-dynamodb-test"

You can update the configuration parameters for a service instance by running:


The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, by using the -c flag, when provisioning or updating a csb-aws-dynamodb-table service. The Operation column displays whether a parameter is supported for both provision and update, or for provision only:

Parameter Name Type Description Default Operation
table_name String (Required) The name of the table None provision and update
hash_key String (Required) The key to use as the hash key None provision and update
range_key String (Required) The key to use as the range key None provision and update
attributes Array (Required) A list of attributes and their types, for example: [{"name":"id", "type":"S"}, {"name":"value", "type":"S"}] None provision and update
global_secondary_indexes Array (Required) A list of global secondary indexes, for example: [{"name":"KeyIndex", "hash_key":"key", "range_key":"value", "projection_type":"INCLUDE", "non_key_attributes":["id"]}] None provision and update
local_secondary_indexes Array A list of local secondary indexes, for example: [{"name":"KeyIndex", "hash_key":"key", "range_key":"value", "projection_type":"INCLUDE", "non_key_attributes":["id"]}] [] provision and update
region String This is the AWS region to deploy the service in. For more information about available regions, see the AWS Documentation. us-west-2 provision
ttl_enabled Boolean Whether TTL is enabled false provision and update
ttl_attribute_name String The name of the table attribute to store the TTL timestamp in "" provision and update
stream_enabled Boolean Indicates whether to enable streams false provision and update
stream_view_type String Valid values are KEYS_ONLY, NEW_IMAGE, OLD_IMAGE, NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES null provision and update
server_side_encryption_enabled Boolean Whether to enable encryption at rest using an AWS-managed KMS customer master key (CMK). false provision and update
server_side_encryption_kms_key_arn String The ARN of the CMK that is used for the AWS KMS encryption. Only specify this attribute if the key is different from the default DynamoDB CMK, alias/aws/dynamodb. null provision and update
write_capacity Number The number of write units for this table. If billing_mode is PROVISIONED, make this number greater than 0. 0 provision and update
read_capacity Number The number of read units for this table. If billing_mode is PROVISIONED, make this number greater than 0. 0 provision and update
aws_access_key_id String The AWS Access Key to use for an instance. The value the operator entered for AWS Access Key in Ops Manager. provision and update
aws_secret_access_key String The corresponding secret for the AWS Access Key to use for an instance. The value the operator entered for AWS Secret Access Key in Ops Manager. provision and update
aws_vpc_id String The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to connect the instance to The default VPC provision and update

Binding Parameters

You can bind a service by running:

cf bind-service APP-NAME SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME --binding-name BINDING-NAME -c \

The following table lists the parameters that you can configure, using the -c flag, when binding to a csb-aws-dynamodb-table service:

Parameter Name Type Description Default
aws_access_key_id String The AWS Access Key to use for an instance The value the operator entered for AWS Access Key in Ops Manager
aws_secret_access_key String The corresponding secret for the AWS Access Key to use for an instance The value the operator entered for AWS Secret Access Key in Ops Manager

Binding Credentials

The format for binding credentials for DynamoDB is as follows:

    "access_key_id" : "AWS-ACCESS-KEY-ID",
    "secret_access_key" : "AWS-SECRET-ACCESS-KEY",
    "region" : "AWS-REGION",
    "dynamodb_table_name": "DYNAMODB-TABLE-NAME",
    "dynamodb_table_arn" : "DYNAMODB-TABLE-ARN",
    "dynamodb_table_id" : "DYNAMODB-TABLE-ID"
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