This topic describes the changes in this minor release of Tanzu Cloud Service Broker for Azure (Cloud Service Broker for Azure).


Release Date: August 7, 2024

Breaking Changes

  • Retirement of Azure PostgresSQL single server offering: Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Single Server is on the retirement path and is scheduled for retirement by March 28, 2025. This service offering is no longer offered in the marketplace. For more information about the retirement, see the PostgreSQL Microsoft documentation.

  • Retirement of Azure MySQL single server offering: Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server is on the retirement path and is scheduled for retirement by September 16, 2024. This service offering is no longer offered in the marketplace. For more information about the retirement, see the MySQL Microsoft documentation.


  • Deprecation of Services: In order to focus efforts on the most used services, the following Services are deprecated in this release:

    • csb-azure-cosmosdb-sql
    • csb-azure-eventhubs
    • csb-azure-mssql-failover-group
    • csb-azure-mssql-server
    • csb-azure-postgresql-flexible-server
    • csb-azure-resource-group
    • csb-azure-storage-account
    • csb-azure-mssql

    If you are currently using any of these services, please get in touch with your Tanzu Account team to identify a path forward.

  • Tofu upgraded to v1.8.0:

    The Tofu version used to apply changes is upgraded from v1.6.2 to v1.8.0. You must upgrade all service instances. When you upgrade, ensure that you follow the Upgrade procedure.

Resolved Issues

No resolved issues in this release.

Known Issues

No known issues in this release.

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