This topic gives you reference information about the csb-azure-mssql-fog-run-failover service. It details the plans and configuration parameters available.

This service is a pseudo-service that upon provisioning causes a failover group secondary server to become the primary. Upon de-provisioning, the failover is undone and the original primary server once again becomes the primary.


The only plan is standard.

Configuration Parameters

You can provision a service by running:

cf create-service csb-azure-mssql-fog-run-failover standard SERVICE-INSTANCE-NAME -c '{"PARAMETER-NAME": "PARAMETER-VALUE"}'

You can update the configuration parameters for a service instance by running:


The table below lists the parameters that you can configure, using the -c flag, when provisioning a csb-azure-mssql-fog-run-failover service:

Parameter Name Type Description Default Operation
fog_instance_name* string (Required) The name of the service instance for the failover group to target. None provision and update
server_pair_name* string (Required) The server pair from server_pairs below. This must match one of the PAIR parameters in server_pairs. For example, PAIR-1 in the code snippet in the server_credentials_pairs row below. None provision and update
server_pairs* JSON (Required) A list of failover group server pairs. Format:
{ "PAIR-1": { "primary":{"server_name":"...", "resource_group":..."}, "secondary":{"server_name":"...", "resource_group":..."}, "PAIR-2":...}
One of the values you use for PAIR must match the server_pair_name parameter above.
None provision and update
azure_tenant_id string The ID of the Azure tenant for the service instance. The value the operator entered for Tenant ID in Ops Manager. provision and update
azure_subscription_id string The ID of the Azure subscription for the service instance. The value the operator entered for Subscription ID in Ops Manager. provision and update
azure_client_id string The ID of the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. The value the operator entered for Client ID in Ops Manager. provision and update
azure_client_secret string The secret (password) for the Azure service principal to authenticate for service instance creation. The value the operator entered for Client Secret in Ops Manager. provision and update
skip_provider_registration boolean Set to true to skip automatic Azure provider registration. Set if the service principal being used does not have the rights to register providers. false provision and update

* Required

Binding Credentials

There are no binding credentials for this service.

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