This topic tells you how to uninstall Cloud Service Broker for GCP.
To uninstall Cloud Service Broker for GCP you must:
Before deleting the Cloud Service Broker for GCP tile, decide what to do with any service instances already created. Uninstalling this broker stops users from using Cloud Foundry to manage the service instances, bindings, and keys created by this broker.
Choose one of the following options to clean up the resources for each service:
Option 1: Permanently delete all service instances, bindings, and keys from Cloud Foundry, and remove all resources from the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Console. For each service created by Cloud Service Broker for GCP, run:
cf delete-service SERVICE-NAME
Option 2: Delete all service instances and associated service bindings and service keys from Cloud Foundry, but keep the GCP resources. For each service created by Cloud Service Broker for GCP, run:
cf purge-service-instance SERVICE-NAME
The resources are not removed from the GCP Console, but are no longer managed by Cloud Service Broker for GCP.
To uninstall the Cloud Service Broker for GCP tile: