EnvironmentDetails: Environment: env_name StorageClass: storage_class_name_with_read_write_many_permission Provider: tkg_or_openshift Insecure: false # Set true if insecure registries are being used Kubeconfig: # We can skip kubeConfig in case of tkg and provide VSphereDetails section Kubeconfig: kubeconfig_goes_here VSphereDetails: username: "vcenter_username_if_kubeconfig_not_provided" password: "vcenter_password_if_kubeconfig_not_provided" fqdn: "vcenter_fqdn_if_kubeconfig_not_provided" VSphereNamespace: "vshpere_namespace_if_kubeconfig_not_provided" tkgClusterName: "tkgClusterName_if_kubeconfig_not_provided" supervisorIp: "supervisorIp_if_kubeconfig_not_provided" CertificateDetails: generateSelfSignedCert: true configureCoreDns: true # if configureCoreDns: false, then cluster core dns won't be patched and it might lead to failure of communication between control plane and data plane pods # If generateSelfSignedCert: false, enter all the three certificateCA, certificateKey, certificateBody # Enter idpIp, operationQueueIp and controlPlaneIp in case you want to provide custom IP for the exposed services certificateCA: certificateKey: certificateBody: # Certificate Domain Should be wildcard certificate domain. Ex - *.tdh.broadcom.com certificateDomain: "wildcard_certificate_domain_goes_here" idpIp: "" operationQueueIp: "" controlPlaneIp: "" SmtpDetails: #SMTP Section is optional, we can remove this section if SMTP details are unavailable host: smtp_host_goes_here port: smtp_port_goes_here from: smtp_from_goes_here username: smtp_username_goes_here password: smtp_password_goes_here tlsEnabled: true_or_false authEnabled: true_or_false SreLoginDetails: username: sre_user_email_goes_@here password: sre_user_password_goes_here ImageRegistryDetails: isAirGapped: true_or_false registryType: "JFrog_or_Harbor_or_GoogleArtificatsRegistry" # If isAirGapped: false, provide registryUrl else we can omit that field registryUrl: registry_url_goes_here registryCreds: image_registry_creds_goes_here