Tanzu Operations Manager CLI

The Tanzu Operations Manager CLI is used to programmatically deploy and configure the Telemetry tile. The Tanzu Operations Manager CLI allows for the configuration of API-only properties such as the schedule for sending data, which is random by default.

The GitHub repository for the Tanzu Operations Manager CLI is https://github.com/pivotal-cf/om.

Deployment from the Command Line


Set up the appropriate environment variables to allow OM to communicate with your foundation’s Tanzu Operations Manager instance.

export OM_TARGET=https://my.foundation.cf-app.com
export OM_USERNAME=username
export OM_PASSWORD=password

Uploading and staging the tile

Upload and stage the tile onto the foundation. You can download the tile from the Broadcom Support Portal.

om upload-product --product <.pivotal product file>
om stage-product --product-name "pivotal-telemetry-om" --product-version <version>

Configuring the tile

The Tile settings can be set using Tanzu Operations Manager. Any setting that is visible on the Tanzu Operations Manager UI can be set this way. API-only configuration settings that aren’t normally exposed in the UI (such as flush interval) can also be set using this command.

The command to configure the tile takes a configuration file as an argument. This a YAML file that contains the properties and their values.

om configure-product --config "product-config.yml"

Sample Configuration file

This sample file contains every tile property, including API-only properties not accessible in the Tanzu Operations Manager UI.

product-name: pivotal-telemetry-om
 value: <true or false>
   secret: <Your telemetry API key>
 value: https://telemetry.pivotal.io
 value: <qa, production, pre-production, sandbox, or development>
 value: <any string>
 value: <some integer representing seconds>
 value: <cron schedule>
 value: <positive integer for timeout in seconds>
 value: <positive integer for timeout in seconds>
 value: <true or false>
 value: <Enabled or Disabled>
 value: <true or false>
 value: <some integer representing seconds>
 value: [agree]
 name: <network name>
 - name: <network az>
 name: <network az>

If a property is deleted, it won’t be manually set. Any unset property uses its default value if it exists.

API-only properties

This is a list of properties that are present in the product-config.yml file, but are not available in the Tanzu Operations Manager UI.

Properties not in this section can be configured from the Tanzu Operations Manager web UI. See the Configuration Reference section for information about these other properties.

Property Description Type Example Value
endpoint The endpoint that Telemetry data gets sent to. Not recommended to change without guidance from Telemetry team. Web URL https://telemetry.pivotal.io
flush_interval How often CAPI and ODB event data is flushed from the centralizer. Integer representing seconds 600
collector_cron_schedule The schedule for sending data. This defaults to some random, daily time. Cron Schedule 29 4 * * *
opsmanager_connection_timeout Timeout for establishing a network connection to Tanzu Operations Manager. The default is 30 seconds. Integer representing seconds 30
opsmanager_collection_timeout Timeout for completion of a request sent to Tanzu Operations Manager. The default is 30 seconds. Integer representing seconds 60
.usage_service_selector.enabled.timeout Timeout for establishing and completion of a network request to Usage Service. The default is 30 seconds. Integer representing seconds 30

Assigning a Stemcell to the tile

  1. Assign a stemcell. Every Tile requires a stemcell of some minimum version.

    om assign-stemcell --product pivotal-telemetry-om
  2. If no stemcell with a matching version has been uploaded, then you can upload one manually through Tanzu Operations Manager, or through the Tanzu Operations Manager UI.

    om upload-stemcell --stemcell <some-stemcell.tgz>
  3. Finally, apply the changes to the tile.

    om apply-changes

After the changes are applied, the process is complete.

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