AI Artificial intelligence.
alert A network alert notifies a network administrator when a key performance or health indicator exceeds its set threshold.
anonymize Remove private data making the original data anonymous. Available on the System > Feed Distribution form.
average blindness Describes the problem of standard 15 minute increments of performance data counters provided by today's network controllers, MMEs, and SONs. This means any peaks and valleys of performance within these 15 minutes are smoothed out by averaging so changes might not be visible.
BLER Block error rate is the error measurement of the ratio of the number of erroneous blocks received to the total number of blocks sent.
BTS A base transceiver station that facilitates wireless communication between UE and the network.
CAPEX Capital expenses are the business costs related to physical and intangible assets in your network.
cell A small area served by a network of radio transmitters. Each cell has its own antenna and low power base station to handle the traffic within it's area.
composed KPI A preset performance value measured against a specific objective.
CCE Control channel element.
Core network The high capacity communications facilities that connect primary nodes. It offers multiple services to the customers who are interconnected by the access network.
CTR Cell trace record.
CTUM Cell trace - user ID mapping.
data sources Synonymous with network elements.
DCI Downlink control information is sent by PDCCH and required by all UEs within the network to be served or serviced. An example of DCI are video transmissions sent from a service, like Netflix, to the cell phone subscriber.
DIDE Data ingestion and distribution engine.
EARCFN E-UTRAN absolute radio frequency channel number provides exact mapping of what code to use.
EMS Element management system.
EN-DC E-UTRAN NR dual connectivity.
eNodeB BTS in GSM; also referred to as Node B. Each eNodeB is a base station that controls the mobile phones or UEs in one or more cells. The eNodeB connects UEs and the wider telephone network.
EPC Evolved packet core is the framework for providing LTE network convergence for voice and data.
E-RAB E-UTRAN radio access bearer.
E-UTRAN Evolved UMTS terrestrial radio access network. Handles the radio communication between the mobile and the EPC. One component, the evolved base stations or eNodeB.
GCI Global cell ID is a unique physical cell identifier used to connect to a specific cell in specific band.
GSM Global system for mobile communications is a standard developed by ETSI to describe the protocols for 2G digital cellular networks.
histogram A chart that shows the frequencies for intervals of values of a metric variable.
HSS Home subscriber server performs mobility management, call and session establishment support and user authentication and authorization.
IMEI International mobile equipment identity is the unique device identifier.
IMSI International mobile subscriber identity is the unique ID of the mobile subscriber.
integrations One way to get data from external systems into or out of Uhana by VMware.
KPIs Key performance indicators are metrics established to quantify specific aspects of a functioning network related to service quality.
KPI processing Built-in engine whose purpose is to collate, sanitize, and aggregate raw events and compute real-time or batch key performance indicators.
LTE A 4G wireless communication standard. Also referred to as 4G/LTE.
MAC Medium access control.
MIMO Multiple-input and multiple-output supports environments where multiple users are accessing a wireless network at the same time..
MME Mobility management entity represents a key component in LTE access-network signaling.
NAT Network address translation. Can be used to connect to the Uhana by VMware DIDE Kafka brokers.
network elements Any supported core network and radio access network component such core network servers, base stations, and antenna arrays. Supported user equipment such as mobile phones, computers, or remote-controlled machines also share data with the platform.
NR New radio. Also referred to as 5G/NR.
NSA Non-standalone architecture.
OPEX Operational expenses are the related costs for running a business or system.
PCHR Performance call history record. Huawei-specific term for trace info.
PCMD Per-call measurement data. Also referred to as Cell Trace. Nokia-specific term for trace info. PDCCH Physical downlink control channel sends DCI to user equipment.
PDCP Packet data convergence protocol.
PGW Packet data network gateway acts as the entry and exit point for UE traffic.
PRB Physical resource block.
PUCCH Physical uplink control channel carries UCI.
PUSCH Physical uplink shared channel radio resource control (RRC) signaling messages, UCI, and application data.
QoE Quality of experience.
QoS Quality of service.
QCI QoS class identifier is a mechanism used in LTE networks to ensure bearer traffic is allocated appropriate QoS.
RAN Radio access network is part of a mobile telecommunication system. Radio waves transfer your cell phone's digital signals (comprised of converted voice and data communications) over a RAN. RANs use radio transceivers (usually base stations) connected to the mobile core network to connect to wireless devices using either LTE or 5G NR connections.
RCA Root cause analysis.
RLC Radio link control.
RSPE Real-time stream processing engine.
RSRP Reference signal receive power is the average power of resource elements that carry cell-specific reference signals over the entire bandwidth.
RSRQ Reference signal receive quality indicates the quality of the received signal.
session records A combination of all the necessary events that occur throughout the lifetime of a radio session using session identifiers to group them in real-time.
SGW Serving gateway routes and forwards user data packets in the user plane to and from the enodeB and the PGW.
SINR Signal to interference and noise ratio.
SON Self-organizing network is a mobile RAN automation technology that minimizes the costs of running a mobile network.
SRE Site reliability engineer onsite.
SSO Single sign-on
TAC Tracking area code is specific to a group of sites, used by a node which controls.
time series A time series is a data set that consists of a sequence of data points over time. Each data point in a time series combines a single data value with a unique timestamp.
TMSI Temporary mobile subscriber identity.
TTI Temporary identifier.
UCI Uplink control information.
UE User equipment is any device used directly by an end user to communicate (a mobile or wireless phone, a laptop with a mobile broadband adapter, or any other device that connects to a eNodeB as specified in ETSI 125/136-series and 3GPP 25-36-series specifications.
UL Uplink refers to the transmission path from the mobile station to the base station.
UMTS Universal mobile telecommunications system.
VoLTE Voice over LTE.
WLL Wireless local loop is a phone service resembling that of landlines, but uses technology similar to mobile phones.
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