Export Unified Access Gateway configuration settings in both JSON and INI formats from the Admin UI.

You can export Unified Access Gateway configuration settings and save them in JSON or INI format. You can use the exported INI file to deploy Unified Access Gateway using Powershell scripts.

Note: The exported files do not contain sensitive data such as shared secrets and passwords.

Due to security reasons, the keyTab information in the UAG_Settings.json file is cleared. If you choose to deploy a new Unified Access Gateway instance and you have uploaded KeyTab files in the old Unified Access Gateway instance, then after importing the .json file, you must upload the KeyTab files that were used in the old Unified Access Gateway instance. On the Import Settings window, you will be prompted to upload the KeyTab files. Hence, ensure that you keep these Keytab files easily accessible while uploading these files in the old Unified Access Gateway instance.

If you want to deploy Unified Access Gateway versions earlier than Unified Access Gateway 2106, by importing the exported .json settings from Unified Access Gateway 2106 or later, then after the import, you must once again upload the Keytab Files which were used in the old instance (Unified Access Gateway 2106 or later). This upload is done by navigating to the Upload Keytab Files section in the Unified Access Gateway instance’s admin UI. Hence, ensure that you keep the Keytab files easily accessible when uploading the files in the older instances.


  1. Navigate to Support Settings > Export Unified Access Gateway Settings.
  2. Click JSON or INI to export the Unified Access Gateway settings in the format you want. To save the settings in both formats, click the Log Archive button.
    The files are saved by default in your Downloads folder.