As a superuser administrator who has complete access to the Unified Access Gateway system, you can add and delete users, change passwords, and modify roles for the users from the admin configuration pages.

The account settings, including the details of the low-privileged administrator, cannot be exported from or imported into the appliance settings. To configure a new low-privileged account on a new instance of Unified Access Gateway, configure manually through the admin UI.

Password Expiry

Superuser and low-privileged administrators can view the time period left for password expiry. On the Account Settings page, the Password expires in (days) field provides the countdown in number of days until the date on which the password expires. This field helps users remain aware of the password expiry date and take appropriate action such as reset their password.
Note: Password expiry time period is rounded off to the immediate lowest whole number.
For example, if the number of days left for the password to expire is 1 day 23 hours, the value is displayed as 1 day.