Add a CA request template after you have added a Certificate Authority in the Workspace ONE UEM console.


  1. You must have added a user template in the CA server.
  2. You must have added a CA in the Workspace ONE UEM console.


  1. Log in to Workspace ONE UEM console, go to All Settings and click Enterprise Integration > Certificate Authorities from the drop-down list.
  2. Click the Request Templates tab and click Add.
  3. Enter the following information for the template:
    Option Description
    Name A valid name for the certificate template
    Description (optional) Description of the template
    Certificate Authority The certificate authority added earlier
    Issuing Template Name of the user template created in the CA server
    Subject Name To add the Subject Name, keep the cursor on the value field (after the default value 'CN='), and click the '+' button, and select the appropriate email address
    Private Key Length 2048
    Private Key Type Select Signing
    SAN Type Click Add and choose User Principal Name
    Automatic Certificate Renewal (optional)
    Enable Certificate Revocation (optional)  
    Publish Private Key (optional)  
  4. Click Save.