You can modify the network settings such as the IP address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and the IP allocation mode for the configured networks from the admin UI.

Note the following limitations when you modify the network settings:
  • IPv4 is the only supported IP mode, IPv6 is not supported.
  • When the IP address is changed on a management network IP dynamically, browser redirection is not supported to the new IP address.
  • When the IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway is changed for an internet facing network interface, all the current sessions are lost.


  • Ensure that you are logged in as an admin with ROLE_ADMIN role.
  • If you are changing the IP to a static IP address, Subnet Mask or Default Gateway you must know the address, subnet mask, and default gateway beforehand.


  1. In the admin UI Configure Manually section, click Select.
  2. Under Advanced Settings, click the gearbox icon next to Network Settings.
    A list of configured networks and their settings is displayed.
  3. In the Network Settings window, click the gearbox icon next to the network whose settings you want to change and enter the following information:
    The IPv4 configuration
    Label Description
    IPv4 Allocation Mode Select whether the IP should be allocated statically or dynamically. This parameter must be specified for static IP allocation.
    IPv4 Address IP address of the network. You do not need to specify the IP address if you select Dynamic IP allocation. This parameter must be specified for static IP allocation.
    IPv4 Netmask IPv4 netmask of the network. You do not need to specify the IPv4 netmask if you select Dynamic IP allocation.
    IPv4 Default Gateway IPv4 default gateway address of Unified Access Gateway. You do not need to specify the default gateway IP address if you select Dynamic IP allocation.
    IPv4 Static Routes IPv4 custom routes for the network. Click '+' to add a new static route.

    Each route is in the form ipv4-network-address/bits ipv4-gateway-address.

    For example,

    Note: If ipv4-gateway-address is not specified, then the respective route that is added has a gateway of
    The IPv6 configurations cannot be modified.
    Label Description
    IPv6 Allocation Mode Specifies whether the IP is allocated statically, dynamically or automatically.
    IPv6 Address IP address of the network.
    IPv6 Prefix The IPv6 prefix of the network.
    IPv6 Default Gateway IPv6 default gateway address of Unified Access Gateway.
  4. Click Save.
    If the settings are changed successfully, a success message is displayed. An error message is displayed if the network settings cannot be updated.