To configure the identity bridging feature, you must upload the identity provider's SAML certificate metadata XML file to Unified Access Gateway.


The SAML metadata XML file must be saved to a computer you can access.

If you are using VMware Workspace ONE Access as the identity provider, download and save the SAML metadata file from the Workspace ONE Access admin console, Catalog > Settings SAML Metadata > Identity Provider (IdP) metadata link.


  1. In the admin console, click Select under Configure Manually.
  2. In the Advanced Settings > Identity Bridging Settings section, select the Upload Identity Provider Metadata gearbox icon.
  3. Enter the entity ID for the identity provider in the Entity ID text box.
    If you do not enter a value in the Entity ID text box, the identity provider name in the metadata file is parsed and used as the entity ID of the identity provider.
  4. In the IDP Metadata section, click Select and browse to the metadata file you saved. Click Open.
  5. Click Save.

What to do next

For KDC authentication, configure the realm settings and the keytab settings.

For header-based authentication, when you configure the identity bridging feature, complete the User Header Name option with the name of the HTTP header that includes the user ID.