You can use the SEG V2 Admin page to monitor the health and diagnostics of your SEG.

The following procedure describes the steps to view the SEG health and diagnostics information.

  1. Navigate to the Support Settings > Edge Service Session Statistics.
  2. Click the Edge Service Session Statistics gearbox icon, in the Support Settings section.
  3. Click Active to open the SEG Health and Diagnostics monitoring screen.

The SEG diagnostics screen provides the following options to the user:

  • View or download the SEG diagnostic JSON.
  • Look up the specific policy from the SEG cache.
  • Archive and download the SEG cached policies, redirect mappings, and diagnostic information.
  • Clear redirect mappings from the SEG cache.

SEG Diagnostic APIs

The following table describes the API path and parameters for accessing the SEG diagnostics information.

SEG Diagnostics URL: GET https://<UAGIP>:9443/rest/v1/monitor/seg/diagnostics/<apiPath>.

API Path Description
Diagnostic View the SEG diagnostic JSON.
policy/device/<easDeviceId> Look up the device policy for a given EAS device ID.
policy/account/<accountId> Look up the policy for a given user or group using the account ID.
policy/easdevicetype/<easdevicetype> Look up the policy for a given EAS device type.
policy/mailclient/<mailclientname> Look up the policy for a given mail client.
cache/archive Archive and download the SEG cached policies, redirect mappings, and diagnostic information.
policy/account/<accountId> Look up the device policy for a given EAS device ID.

The following table lists the APIs for clearing the redirect mappings from the SEG cache.

Clear Redirect Cache Mappings URL: DELETE https://<UAGIP>:9443/rest/v1/monitor/seg/cache/<parameter>

Parameter Description
451 Clear 451 redirect mappings from the SEG cache.
302 Clear 302 redirect mappings from the SEG cache.

SEG Health APIs

The following table describes the SEG health statistic response attributes.

SEG Health URL: GET https://<UAGIP>:9443/rest/v1/monitor/seg/healthStats

Response Attribute Description
diagnosticExportTime Specify the time of generation of the statistics, in milliseconds, since the UNIX epoch time.
apiConnectivity Status of connectivity from the SEG to the API server. The status value can be Success or Failed.
policyDataLoaded Status of the policy data loading into the SEG cache. The status value can be Success, In Progress, or Failed.
totalDevicePolicyCount Specify the count of the device policies loaded into the SEG cache.
lastPolicyPartialUpdate Specify the time of the latest successful partial policy update execution, in milliseconds, since the UNIX epoch time.
lastPolicyFullUpdate Specify the time of the latest successful policy update execution, in milliseconds, since the UNIX epoch time.
lastPolicyDeltaUpdate Specify the time of the latest delta policy update execution, in milliseconds, since the UNIX epoch time.
policyDeltaSyncEnabled Flag to indicate if the policy delta sync is enabled.

Status of connectivity from the SEG to the API server.

The attribute values can be Success or Failed.
requestsSinceSEGstartup Number of ActiveSync requests since the SEG server was launched.
lastHourRequests Number of ActiveSync requests in the last one hour.
last24hourRequests Number of ActiveSync requests in the last 24 hours.
  • count
  • latency
Specify the corresponding statistics to the Sync requests.
  • Request count for the last one hour duration.
  • Average latency for the last 24 hours duration.
  • count
  • latency
Specify the corresponding statistics to the itemOperations requests.
  • Request count for the last one hour duration.
  • Average latency for the last 24 hours duration.
  • count
  • latency
Specify the corresponding statistics to the sendMail requests.
  • Request count for the last one hour duration.
  • Average latency for the last 24 hours duration.
  • count
  • latency
Specify the corresponding statistics to the smartForward requests.
  • Request count for the last one hour duration.
  • Average latency for the last 24 hours duration.
  • count
  • latency
Specify the corresponding statistics to the smartReply requests.
  • Request count for the last one hour duration.
  • Average latency for the last 24 hours duration.
clusteringEnabled Flag to indicate if the clustering is enabled.
nodesOnline List of nodes that are active in the cluster.
nodesOffline List of nodes that are listed in the MEM configuration, but not active in the cluster.
nodesSynchronized Flag to indicate if all the nodes in the cluster are in synchronization.