The parameters listed here describe the session statistics captured at the last monitoring interval.

URL call: https://<UAGIP>:9443/rest/v1/monitor/stats
Table 1. Horizon View
Attribute Description
totalSessions Indicates the sum of active and inactive sessions.

Admin UI: Total Sessions.

highWaterMarkOfSessions Indicates the maximum number of concurrent sessions at a given point in time.

Admin UI: Session High Water Mark.

authenticatedSessions Indicates the number of ongoing authenticated sessions (logged in sessions).

Admin UI: Active (Logged In) Sessions.

unauthenticatedSessions Indicates the number of unauthenticated sessions.

Admin UI: Inactive Sessions.

failedLoginAttempts Indicates the number of failed login attempts.

Admin UI: Failed Login Attempts

userCount Indicates the number of unique users currently authenticated.
sessions Indicates the number of active BLAST sessions.
maxSessions Indicates the number of authorized BLAST sessions.
sessions Indicates the number of active PCoIP sessions created during the start of a desktop or an application.
maxSessions Indicates the maximum number of concurrent PCoIP sessions at a given point in time.
VMware Tunnel
sessions Indicates the number of active VMware Tunnel sessions created on authentication through View Client.
maxSessions Indicates the maximum number of concurrent VMware Tunnel sessions at a given point in time.
Table 2. Web Reverse Proxy
Attribute Description
totalSessions Indicates the sum of active and inactive sessions.

Admin UI: Total Sessions.

highWaterMarkOfSessions Indicates the maximum number of concurrent sessions at a given point in time.

Admin UI: Session High Water Mark.

authenticatedSessions Indicates the number of ongoing authenticated sessions (logged in sessions).

Admin UI: Active (Logged In) Sessions.

unauthenticatedSessions Indicates the number of unauthenticated sessions.

Admin UI: Inactive Sessions.

failedLoginAttempts Indicates the number of failed login attempts.

Admin UI: Failed Login Attempts.

userCount Indicates the number of unique users currently authenticated.
status Indicates if the back-end application is reachable. (Running, Not Reachable)
reason Indicates and explains the status with reason. (Reachable, Error details)
status Indicates if the kcd server is reachable. (Running, Not Reachable)
reason Indicates and explains the status with reason. (Reachable, Error details)
Table 3. VMware Tunnel
Attribute Description
identifier Indicates that the VMware Tunnel service is enabled.
status Status of the VMware Tunnel service (vpnd service.
reason Indicates and explains the status with reason for the VMware Tunnel service. Up or Down labels denote the service status. For example, it is reachable when the service is up and running, the VMware Tunnel server is not reachable when the service is down.
totalSessions Indicates the number of active VMware Tunnel sessions created on authentication through the VMware Tunnel client.
connections Indicates the number of active outbound connections from the VMware Tunnel Server.
upTime Indicates the active (running) time of the VMware Tunnel service.
apiConnectivity VMware Tunnel Server to the API connectivity. For example, True or False.
awcmConnectivity VMware Tunnel Server to the AWCM connectivity. For example, True or False.
cascadeMode Provides cascade information. For example, Off for Basic mode and front-end or back-end for a cascade setup.