Download the file from the Support Settings section in the Admin UI. The ZIP file contains all logs from your Unified Access Gateway appliance.

Set the Logging Level

You can manage the log level settings from the admin UI. Go to the Support Settings page and select Log Level Settings. The log levels that can be generated are INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and DEBUG. The logging level is set by default to INFO.

A description of the type of information that the log levels collect follows.
Table 1. Logging Levels
Level Type of Information Collected
INFO The INFO level designates information messages that highlight the progress of the service.
ERROR The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the service to continue running.
WARNING The WARNING level designates potentially harmful situations but are usually recoverable or can be ignored.
DEBUG Designates events that would generally be useful to debug problems, to view or manipulate the internal state of the appliance, and to test the deployment scenario in your environment.

Collect Logs

Download the log ZIP files from the Support Settings section of the admin UI.

These log files are collected from the /opt/vmware/gateway/logs directory on the appliance.

The following tables contain descriptions of the various files included in the ZIP file.

Table 2. Files That Contain System Information to Aid in Troubleshooting
File Name Description Linux Command (if applicable)
rpm-version.log Version of the Unified Access Gateway appliance.
ipv4-forwardrules IPv4 forwarding rules configured on the appliance.
df.log Contains information about disk space usage on the appliance. df -a -h --total
netstat.log Contains information on open ports and existing TCP connections. netstat -anop
netstat-s.log Network stats (bytes sent/received etc) from the time of creation of the appliance. netstat -s
netstat-r.log Static routes created on the appliance. netstat -r
uag_config.json, uag_config.ini, uagstats.json Entire configuration of the Unified Access Gateway appliance, showing all of the settings as a json and an ini file.
ps.log Includes processes running at the time of downloading logs. ps -elf --width 300
ifconfig.log Network interface configuration for the appliance. ifconfig -a
free.log RAM availability at the time of downloading logs. free
top.log Sorted list of processes by memory usage at the time of downloading logs. top -b -o %MEM -n 1
iptables.log IP tables for IPv4. iptables-save
ip6tables.log IP tables for IPv6. ip6tables-save
w.log Information about uptime, the users currently on the machine, and their processes. w
systemctl.log List of services currently running on the appliance systemctl
resolv.conf For connecting local clients directly to all the known DNS servers
hastats.csv Contains stats per node and total stats information for each back end type (Edge Service Manager, VMware Tunnel, Content Gateway)
Table 3. Log Files for Unified Access Gateway
File Name Description Linux Command (if applicable)
supervisord.log Supervisor (manager for the Edge Service manager, admin and a AuthBroker) log.
esmanager-x.log, esmanager-std-out.log Edge service manager log(s), showing back end processes performed on the appliance.
audit.log Audit log for all admin user operations.
authbroker.log Contains log messages from the AuthBroker process, which handles Radius and RSA SecurID authentication.
admin.log, admin-std-out.log Admin GUI logs. Contains log messages from the process that provides the Unified Access Gateway REST API on port 9443.
bsg.log Contains log messages from the Blast Secure Gateway.
SecurityGateway_xxx.log Contains log messages from the PCoIP Secure Gateway.
utserver.log Contains log messages from the UDP Tunnel Server.
activeSessions.csv List of active Horizon or WRP sessions.
haproxy.conf Contains HA proxy configuration parameters for TLS port sharing.
vami.log Contains log messages from running vami commands to set network interfaces during deployment.
content-gateway.log, content-gateway-wrapper.log, Contains log messages from Content Gateway.
admin-zookeeper.log Contains log messages related to the data layer that is used to store the Unified Access Gateway configuration.
tunnel.log Contains log messages from the tunnel process that is used as part of the XML API processing. You must have Tunnel enabled in the Horizon settings in order see this log.
tunnel-snap.tar.gz Tarball containing VMware Tunnel server and proxy logs.
appliance-agent.log Appliance agent (for starting up Workspace ONE UEM services) logs.
config.yml Contains Content Gateway configuration and log level details.
smb.conf Contains SMB client configuration.
smb-connector.conf Contain SMB protocol and log level details.

The log files that end in "-std-out.log" contain the information written to stdout of various processes and are usually empty files.