The HTTP Host Redirect capability can be used to simplify Horizon load balancing affinity requirements in certain multi VIP environments. To use the HTTP Host Redirect capability, UAG administrators must configure the Host Redirect Mappings text box in Horizon Settings.

When an HTTP request reaches UAG with a load balancer's host name, UAG responds with a HTTP 307 redirect and replaces the load balancer's host name with the UAG’s own configured host name. For subsequent requests, the Horizon client directly reconnects with the UAG. This ensures that the subsequent requests are not routed through the load balancer. The redirect capability avoids issues with affinity control on load balancers where the requests could get routed to the incorrect UAG.

For example, consider an environment with a load balancer and two UAG appliances, UAG1 and UAG2. If a request reaches UAG1 with the load balancer's host name as, UAG1 responds with a HTTP 307 redirect and replaces the load balancer's host name with the UAG’s own configured host name, For subsequent requests, Horizon client directly reconnects with UAG1.

Considerations while using HTTP Host Redirect

You need to be aware of the following considerations while using the HTTP Host Redirect capability:

  • N + 1 Virtual IP address is required, where

    N - number of UAG appliances deployed in the environment

    1 - VIP of the load balancer

  • Load balancers that operate at Layer 7 cannot be used.

To configure the settings in Horizon, see Configure Horizon Settings