Windows based systems running either
Windows 2008 R2 or
Windows 7 guest operating system configured with the VMXNET3 virtual network device in vCenter Server have one known issue. When a provisioning operation is done like cloning a VM, the target system gets new device and interface names (this name is the original name as is on the source system but with an incremented index suffix, like
Local Area Connection #2
instead of just
Local Area Connection
). In order to prevent such issues and keep the original device and interface names as is, following the provisioning operation, you need to apply the Microsoft hot fixes for the specific operating system type that you are using.
- For Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 versions prior to Service Pack 1, install the hot fix described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2344941 (, before deploying the template.
- For Windows 2008 R2 or Windows 7 versions post Service Pack 1, install the hot fix described in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 2550978 ( before deploying the template.