vCenter Migration operation enables the possibility to migrate virtual machines between vCenters via the LaMa interface.

Note: vCenter Migration feature required for this operation is disabled in the product by default. Only VI administrators can enable it on a virtual appliance.
Note: This operation has limitations. For more information about the limitations, please see the section Existing Limitations.


  1. Login to the LaMa web user interface and navigate to the Operations view and choose the Virtualization view.
    Figure 1. Navigation to Operations
  2. Find the SAP system virtual machine by clicking on the VLA Adapter instance name and further in its hierarchy.
  3. Click on the Operations for the selected virtual machine.
    Note: The virtual machine should be in the powered off state.
  4. Select Additional from the dropdown list.
  5. Select vCenter Migration (VMware) from the dropdown list.
    Figure 2. vCenter Migration Operation
  6. In the pop-up window, click on the pencil icon to enter required parameters.
    Figure 3. Execution Setup
  7. In the pop-up window select the target vCenter:
    1. Click on the Target vCenter field.
      Figure 4. Parameters Setting - Step 1
    2. Go down through the inventory objects hierarchy and choose a vCenter. Click Confirm.
      Figure 5. vCenter Setting
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the target resource pool where you want to migrate the virtual machine:
    1. Click on the Target Resource Pool field.
      Figure 6. Parameters Setting - Step 2
    2. Go down through the inventory objects hierarchy and click on a resource pool. Click Confirm.
      Figure 7. Resource Pool Setting
  10. Click Next.
  11. Select the target host where you want to migrate the virtual machine:
    1. Click on the Target Host Provider field.
      Figure 8. Parameters Setting - Step 3
    2. Go down through the inventory objects hierarchy and click on a host. Click Confirm.
      Figure 9. Host Setting
  12. Click Next.
  13. Select the target Data Storage:
    1. Click on the Target Data Storage field.
      Figure 10. Parameters Setting - Step 4
    2. Go down through the inventory objects hierarchy and click on a datastore or a datastore cluster. Click Confirm.
      Note: The datastore cluster is available for selection only if the datastore cluster support feature is turned on by VI administrator.
      Figure 11. Datastore Setting
  14. Click Next.
  15. Select the target Networks:
    1. Click on the Target Network Adapter N field(s) where N is the adapter's number.
      Figure 12. Parameters Setting - Step 5
    2. Choose a network for the each one.
      Figure 13. Select Target Network Adapter
  16. Click Next.
    The Summary step is displayed, and selected changes can be reviewed now.
    Figure 14. Summary
  17. Click on the Set button.
  18. Click on the Execute button to start the vCenter Migration operation.
  19. The virtual machine will be locked until the operation completes.
    Note: The vCenter Migration operation takes some time.
    Figure 15. Lock


You have successfully migrated the virtual machine to another vCenter.